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The Lancer's Tale

"The Ripening."

By Ranbarth of Dusain

Author's Note: Some readers may find parts of this story familiar. This is not déjà vu. The Lancer's Tale is actuality the rewrite of a public domain Victorian erotic novel from more than a hundred years ago, one that we have transposed to Overlord's Zhor. It has undergone a great deal of rewrite and we hope that the result gives it some merit as a new work of art in its own right. Let that acknowledgement suffice for now. We believe that those who do not (or have not) read the original will better enjoy this 21st Century incarnation of the archetypical story.

Because our fictional creation, the First Horse Lancer Troop of Prydferth, consists of about five hundred transformed knights, no one fictioneer can hope to tell the full story. The author therefore wishes to offer the tale of the Lancers as an open universe (a subset, so to speak, of Overlord's already-open universe of Zhor).

We hope we shall not be alone in enjoying this novelette. Who knows but that in the future we might have occasion to return to the continuing adventures of Hoel and Elin. This having been said, on to The Lancer's Tale.

Chapter 1

I will not take up my readers' time detailing how I came to be desirous of vengeance against Elin ob Cryf. Suffice to say that Elin, a friend since the days of our schoolcraft, betrayed me by enticing into the silks a lady whom I desired for myself! This perfidious act channeled our erstwhile camaraderie into rancorous enmity.

The ob Cryfs came from a loftier line than mine. Elin was also admired as a warrior while I cut a poor martial figure. In fact, I performed only what was the required minimum in regard to the defense of our city-state, and earned scant credit thereby. Meanwhile, admiring eyes were fixed on him, the career officer, while I was regarded as a mere voluptuary.

The seduction of my would-be mistress was the last straw. I swore that I would make my false friend pay. We might have dueled, but I am by nature a lover and not a fighter. Elin would have worsted me in any challenge. Realizing this, I impotently withdrew from his society and brooded upon many an unlikely fantasy of retaliation.

Then, surely, some dark god took heed of my yearning for justice and brought Elin to an unlikely mishap. It came to pass that the First Horse Lancer Troop, in the course of a war with an encroaching enemy, was deployed in a mountain defile warding Prydferth on the north side. The canny foe, Gwanc, the tyrant of Gendir, discovered a mountain track behind this pass and took the Horse Troop by flank attack. Our city grieved at their defeat, but grieved far more when the tyrant refused a ransom for Prydferth's best. To break our city's will to resist, the despot used Ruk's serum to transform all his knightly captives into what are called "serum girls."

Worse than this, he ordered that each prisoner should be additionally injected with Chadwor's Serum, rendering them all potential feather-slaves, a true insult to our polis. His third outrage was to send all these transformed knights back to Prydferth dressed in the armor they had worn as men. Onlookers covered their eyes in shame at the sight of wispy girls riding through the city gates like half-grown children in the garb of their own warrior sires.

The defeat of the First Horse Lancer Troop had a profound effect on our city fathers and they ceded to Gendir's rapacious tyrant almost all that he had originally demanded. Voices were raised against this faint-hearted capitulation, of course, but the city was too heartsick to continue the fight that had already dishonored so many of its most prestigious clans. The people only wished to forget the city's disgrace, and little cared about the warnings that aggression appeased shall only yield more aggression.

I was at least slightly indignant over the insult myself, but was most particularly sorry that the tyrant had not put a brand on Elin's hip and placed him -- no, "her" -- on a slave block. How well I could have culminated my vengeance in that event! I would have purchased her as my personal slave and made her pay in kind for the way she had abused our camaraderie while still a man. But I soon realized that a vengeance was still within my reach and my desires need not be relegated to the realms of imagination.

As part of my plan, I renewed my acquaintance with Elin and feigned compassion for her plight. Elin, like most of the other transformed Lancers, had lapsed into ennui-filled days of semi-seclusion, surrounded by family and servants only. None of the disgraced ones were any longer desired at social functions and few of Elin's old friends were coming to call. My welcome, then, was as cordial as it was unexpected. Perhaps my former friend supposed that her disaster had sated my stated desire for vengeance against her. No doubt she would have slain me outright had she been able to read my treacherous thoughts.

But events moved more slowly than I expected and my hopes for revenge languished. Nevertheless, I bided my time. While trying to gain Elin's trust, I was watchful for any signs of behavioral change that might aid my scheme. It is said that every serum girl, at least after the first few weeks, lived plagued by a heightened sexual desire. Slavers say that Ruk's Serum does not diminish the intensity of a transformee's sexual need. For that reason serum girls tend to be more sexually active than born-women, once they adopt to their new role in life. Elin was repressing this trait, obviously, but I did not intend to allow her to avoid her just fate for much longer.

Elin had been a sensualist himself. Soon, if the serum worked its usual course, her carnal carvings would become fixated on handsome males in her proximity. Too, she would start to feel the stirrings of natural slavery, a yearning that the serum was specifically designed to write deeply into its subject's genetics. When a serum girl is not longer able to conceal either her man-hunger or her slave-need, she is described as "ripe." Once Elin grew sufficiently ripe, I wanted to be the first to taste the juice of her succulence.

As the weeks passed, I noted telltale signs that Elin was truly ripening. I had to suppress my smiles when I observed small gestures that struck a watchful observer like myself as un-manly. Also, I noticed subtle changes in her movement and carriage, such as the swivel in her hips, displayed so charmingly in the trim male hose that she insisted upon wearing. I dared to hope that Elin was fast approaching the day when she could appreciate a male lover and willingly join him in the silks. But alas, the march of days seemed to bring me no closer to my coveted goal.

It then happened that I had occasion to change my residence. In my search for fresh quarters I came across a suite that interested me. The landlord desired to let along with it a connecting chamber, one that he referred to as a "storage room." He said that the chamber was reachable only from the interior of the apartment and it would therefore be a dead loss to him if the renter of the apartment did not take it also.

I resignedly asked to see the room. It was furnished with well-fitting doors at each end of a short connecting corridor. The chamber was good-sized and lofty, but without windows. Light and air were derived from a skylight that was supported by four strong and stout wooden pillars. Furthermore, the walls had iron rings set into them at regular intervals. From the roof beams dangled rope pulleys in pairs, while the two recesses on the entrance side, caused by the inward projection of the passage, looked as if they had once been barred cells. Most interesting of all, the storeroom contained a pleasure rack! It was dusty and probably unused for many years, but upon inspection it seemed to be in good condition.

So strange was the appearance of the chamber that I asked about its history. The landlord informed me that a wealthy slave trader had built the house and that this wing had been his "pleasure room." Here he would bring beautiful raw slaves and took considerable sport in "breaking them to the collar" and driving each into ignition. I smiled, knowing that many of these captives must have been serum girls, different in no meaningful way from Elin.

The landlord went on to say that the bolts, rings, pulleys, and pleasure rack had been used to restrain the trainees while the slaver worked his will upon them. The construction of the walls and the double doors made the room absolutely proof against sound, and thereby prevented the girls' indignant shrieks from annoying the neighbors. The sound-deadening quality was no mere fiction, he said, since incredulous visitors had frequently tested his assertion by shouting and beating on pans, and so forth. Furthermore, the loudest crash of lightning outside would pass entirely unheard inside the room.

Like lightning, a new thought flashed through my brain. Was not this room the very place I required for the consummation of my designs? If I succeeded in luring Elin into this intriguing chamber, she would be completely at my mercy. Her indignant cries would not be heard and would only increase my pleasure as I had my way with her. The bolts, rings, pulleys, and the various furnishings that were already hear or that I might add would hold my lovely prisoner while I made delicious play with her exquisite body. I agreed to rent the room along with my suite.

I proceeded to reconstruct and redecorate the pleasure chamber. I soon realized that I needed something that had not come with the room. I installed a large double shade, one part of it opaque, one part made of gauze. Either part could be moved by crank to block the view of the chamber's floor from above, either by day or night, should a spy be watching from the roof. The floor I arranged to be covered with thick Lletem carpets and rugs, while the formerly barred spaces were converted into a bath and dressing rooms, the latter being restored as cells as well, though carefully disguised. I ordered special furniture constructed and many of these new pieces held hidden mechanisms to facilitate the lecherous seduction of an unwilling maiden. I secured an uncommon piece of equipment just coming into vogue, a treacherous armchair with hidden bars that could lock-in a seated person at the touch of a trigger. When completely cleaned and redecorated, the "Comfortium" (as I christened it) appeared to be a comfortable and lordly retreat, while in reality it was a slave-training chamber!

I resolved to maintain the utmost secrecy. Used the pretext of my change of residence to discharge my live-in servants, a hard-working father and son. Thereafter, in my new quarters, I exclusively employed cleaners who came as needed on prearrangement. They were never permitted to explore the Comfortium and I ignored all questions regarding it. These precautions protected my privacy and the secrets of the chamber quite adequately. I subsequently performed my own cooking and much of the mundane work about the suite. This made me seem eccentric to my social peers, who assumed that this change of accustomed habits meant that I was suffering from declining fortune. I did not care what they thought and, in preparation for my revenge scheme, I gradually withdrew from the society of the wastrels whom I had called friends. Before long I was not bothered by their unexpected visits. I did not withdraw from Elin's company, of course, thought she likewise considered me a bit odd for stooping to do my own housework and also the new craving for privacy that I evinced. But I was the one friend who had remained true to her, and so she did not seek to antagonize me with mockery.

Just as I had prepared the Comfortium for Elin's entertainment, I also prepared myself. I went to a learned physician to receive the virility enhancement that was so popular with rakes and male slave trainers. This measure was desirable, for I did not wish to flag too soon while engaged in the arduous sport of love, especially not if I was to be sporting with Elin. When I finally had the black-haired girl in my power, I wished to astonish her with my endurance and unwavering vigor. The enhancement procedure amounted to no more than an injection and a couple follow-up visits to his healing room. The side effects were small, namely greater ease of erection and an increased sexual craving that took me more often to the pleasure houses. The reader may be sure that whenever making love to a collared girl, I pretended that it was Elin whom I held. He may also rightly suspect that I practiced upon her all of the robust acts of lewdness that wanted to engage in with Elin herself.

But how should I entrap my fair victim? She was not residing within the city but a little way out, on her family's property. She was by now coming into town more often than at first, but always in her bodyguard's company. My difficulty was, therefore, getting Elin alone and unprotected.

The master and servant visited the city at irregular intervals, as dictated by the social duties or business. True to my sham of camaraderie, I had always welcomed them into my rooms for rest and refreshment. I usually took them into the Comfortium, and thereby got Elin used to entering it without a second thought. They never espied any of the slave-taming implements hidden there, which reassured me as to the cleverness of my carpenters.

In truth, the charade become very hard for me as time wore on. I was suffering the tortures of the damned whenever I cast my eyes upon the beauteous Elin, the hint of hidden breasts, the fine shape of her hose-sheathed legs and buttocks. I felt it worst of all when she was strolling about the very room that I had prepared for her mortification. I keenly felt the need to deal with her servant so I could lay my lustful hands on the mistress!

Dismissing any thought of doing violence to the bodyguard, I began to contemplate his bribery. Foolish idea! The stalwart would certainly have been aghast at the mere suggestion of duplicity and would have denounced me to the magistrates on charges. That I could even entertain such a foolish thought betrayed my sorry state of mind and emotion. Somewhat to my surprise, my lust for Elin had become even stronger than my craving for revenge.

Even the fantasies I enjoyed during my frequent visits to the pleasure houses were not enough. I needed to be with Elin herself! But before I resorted to the desperate folly of trying to corrupt Elin's protector, my patience was rewarded! This is how it happened.

One evening, a message came saying that the master (Elin's servants always flattered her with masculine terminology) was coming to town the next day and "he" would be pleased to join me in luncheon. This courtesy was a commonplace with Elin and I held no special hopes. In truth, even when there was no chance of ravishing her, I much preferred to be with Elin than away from her. But a little before the appointed hour, Elin, to my surprise, appeared alone at my door! She said that Ymdod, her guard, had suddenly grown ill from a tainted piece of beef and could not accompany her to town. Rather than take another servant from his necessary work, she thought that I might instead escort her in Ymdod's stead. What Elin really feared, as she later admitted, was abduction and slavery. That she came to me beset by such anxiety testified as to how thoroughly I had fooled her.

I quickly ushered my would-be victim toward the refreshments waiting in the Comfortium. To my disappointment, Elin displayed a reluctance to enter the silent chamber, utterly inexplicable, unless it was from some newly acquired feminine instinct. Rather than frighten her off, I brought the lunch out into the main room and there my easy manner and our bland conversation seemed to drive away her ghosts. I had fortuitously placed her with her back to the window and that is why she failed to notice a storm coming in. I saw that the weather was getting worse and worse and guessed it would delay our departure into the city! This gave me an idea, but because it might clear at any moment, the sooner I could get the now-relaxed Elin into the Comfortium the better for me -- and the worse for her!

By now Elin was finishing her siolat wine while I looked on benevolently. Inwardly I was aroused, contemplating the idea of her serving trays of wine as a mere public pleasure slave, wearing slave-face, pleasure silks, and dagger-point heels while customers pinched and teased her. I had to restrain my thoughts lest they show in the tenting of my hose. When rain audibly rattled against the windowpanes, followed by an ominous growl of thunder, my guest stood up sharply and went to the casement. "Damn! Just look at the rain," she exclaimed, "how blastedly unfortunate!"

"It came up so quickly that I didn't notice it myself!" I said, and then added, "I have some wet-weather gear closeted in the Comfortium. Shall we go dress ourselves properly so we won't get soaked?" I thereupon went to the slave-chamber door and opened it invitingly.

Elin hesitated yet again at the prospect of entering alone with me. Should she had refused once more, how very different would have been the rest of her life -- and mine, for that matter -- or so it occurs to me now, as I think back.

But Elin had a rational mind, all the more rational because it was still partially male. Why should she feel uneasy in the home of her best comrade? Finally, with what seemed like an effort of will, Elin at last passed through the two doors leading into the Comfortium. The trap I had so carefully prepared was sprung!

Noiselessly I bolted the outer door and then locked the inner one also. Elin was finally mine! No matter how hard she fought and how loudly she protested, no one could hear her or come to her aid. Now all of her past abuses would be fully repaid.

Excitement made my breathing unsteady. My "guest" stood there, all unsuspecting, her back turned toward me. How lovely was the shape of her derriere! I wondered for the thousandth time what she would look like nude. I felt like I would burst with both triumph and desire.

At last! My rival was utterly at my mercy, though she did not yet know it. Promptly I proceeded to work my cruel will on her!

Chapter 2

Being away from the rumble of the storm appeared to sooth Elin's nervous energy. She drew a deep breath and at that point and turned back my way.

"We have to hurry along. Where do you keep the rain robes?"

"Do you notice that we can't hear the thunder?" I replied, ignoring her question. "As I have said before, this room is absolutely soundproof. I do not suppose that there is a better chamber in all Prydferth for its intended purpose!"

"Is that purpose something other than your relaxation?" she inquired, made curious by my strange tone.

"Not quite. Its purpose is your violation, my pretty, the surrender to me of your ymylu!"

Elin started as if physically struck. I stood still, my arms folded, calmly observing her. Then indignation and outrage seized her.

"You must be mad to make such a jape!" she said in an anger-charged, trembling voice. "You forget yourself. Consider our friendship as terminated until you have recovered your senses and have suitably apologized. Meanwhile, I will trouble you only to call a palanquin, so that I may remove myself from your loathsome presence!"

How her eyes flashed with wrathful indignation. She did not seem like an angry man just then, but an indignant girl and I laughed aloud. "Do you really think I should have dared to state my intentions without calculating the consequences? I have not lost my senses, but you appear to have lost your memory. Have you forgotten that little account that remains to be settled between us? Your day of reckoning has come, my sassy wench! You robbed my silks of pleasure and now I intend to take just compensation from your own nubile charms."

My quiet-yet-determined manner seemed to have shaken her. Her face flushed as the implications of my threat sank in. I sensed her mind working behind her eyes. Was she calculating the odds that I was capable of carrying out my threat? After a slight pause I spoke again:

"I have deliberately planned this revenge! I took these rooms solely because they would lend themselves to its end. I have prepared for every contingency and have everything I need to subjugate you by force if necessary! Look!" And I proceeded to reveal to her astonished eyes the mechanism concealed in the furniture and fixtures. I also put the opaque skylight shade in place, since it had grown dark under the storm clouds and the glow-globes in the Comfortium might have illuminated our activities below below even through the gauze screen.

"You know you cannot get out of this room till I choose to let you go," I reminded Elin. "Your yells for help will not be heard. You now must decide what you will do. I give you two alternatives, and two only. Will you submit yourself quietly to me as if you were a mere female captive resigned to her fate, or do you prefer to be forced? I think you know what goes with force, as you have always been quite bold in telling me how you have yourself dealt with girls captured in war."

Elin stamped her foot and clenched her little fists: "How dare you speak of that as if I should be held to blame? Foreign women are not worthy recipients of chivalry! What a soldier takes on the field is little enough in compensation for the ignominy of protecting slackers like you! Let me go at once!" And she then stalked to the door.

I replied with a derisive smile. "I am not going to let you waste time. The whole afternoon will hardly be long enough for us to get through my program of pleasurable acts. Once more, will you submit or will you be forced?" I turned over my smallest sand clock so that its grains drained into the bowl below. "Understand that if by the time the sands run out you have not consented to submit to the pleasure of the silks, I shall without further delay regard you as a girl seized on the field of arms. Make the most of these last few moments of female chastity, for one way or the other your ymylu shall be besieged and breached this day." Then I turned my back on her, as if to demonstrate that I did not fear any attempt at violence that she might make, former warrior though she was. I used the next few minutes to ready the room, as if anticipating the use of force.

Elin tried the locked door and immediately realized that she would not escape without the key. Then, uncertain of what next to do, she sank into an upholstered chair while the sand swiftly flowed into the lower bowl. It did not seem like she was capitulating, but only that she was leaving the next move of the game up to me. If ever she doubted that I had the determination to make that decisive move, events would very soon prove her wrong.

When I had finished my preparations, I quietly seated myself opposite my guest and waited with her. Presently the sand clock ran out and I immediately rose. Elin, knowing that the moment of truth had arrived, quickly sprang to her feet and retreated to the far side of the divan. This item of furniture was, of course, the disguised pleasure rack on which I hoped before long to see her bound and entirely conquered! It was evident that she was going to fight me like a true soldier and I welcomed her decision. A hard physical conquest would give me ample justification for the fullest exercise of my lustful aggressions against her beauty!

"Well, Elin, what is it to be? Will you be my tame mistress or my fiery conquest of the sword?"

A sudden passion possessed her. "Never!" she declared. "I defy you! Do your worst. Do you think a cowardly fop can frighten me? Once and for all I give you my answer: "Go brol yourself!" She then laughed hollowly, folded her arms, and turned her back to me to affect contempt.

"As you please," I replied calmly. "Let those who laugh be those that win! There will be a great deal of brolling this day, my young lady, and you will be an intimate a part of it all. I venture to say that within an hour you will not only be offering yourself to me absolutely and unconditionally, but you will be also begging me to accept your surrender! You will see!"

At that instant Elin whirled and answered me with a false guffaw, her hands clenched into fists: "Yes, let us see! Let us see!"

Forthwith I sprang to seize her, but she darted away. For a short time the elusive leader of many a horseback raid eluded my hot pursuit, between the furniture, but soon I maneuvered her into a corner and pounced. With a firm grip, I half-dragged and half-carried my prize to where a pair of rope-pulleys dangled. Though she struggled desperately and yelled insults, I noticed that she did not shout for help. Why? I wondered. Did she fear being discovered by rescuers in such a humiliating situation? Or did she have no hope of rescue? Or, better still, did some part of her want to this affair to go on to its logical conclusion? Did some part of her want to know what a girl feels like in the power of an amorous and aggressive male? This last guess intrigued me. It would mean that she ripened even more than I had anticipated.

In spite of what seemed to be determined resistance, I soon made the silk loops on the ropes fast to Elin's wrists. Then I touched the controlling lever and the ropes tightened slowly but irresistibly. My guest's arms were drawn toward the ceiling till her hands were well above her head and she was forced to stand erect. My rival was now utterly helpless before me, unable to defend her person from any liberty that I wished to take with it, but because I wanted her to be more sensible of her stage-by-stage humbling, I deemed it wise to allow Elin time to calm down.

This is the place, I think, to better explain the mechanical means I had at my disposal for the subjugation of any lovely captive that I had the good fortune to entrap there.

Between each two of the pillars that supported the skylight hung a pair of strong rope-pulleys working on a roller mechanism. The latter was concealed in the beams and actuated by concealed counterweights. To have Elin held upright, I had simply attached the ropes to her wrists and her arms and worked the release; her arms had been pulled straight up. The pillars themselves I could utilize as whipping posts, being provided with rings to which Elin could be fastened to facilitate the chastisement she would no doubt earn this day through her stubborn defiance.

Elsewhere, where leather cuffs were not employed, the ropes and straps associated with my equipment were fitted with swivel snap-hooks. To attach them to Elin's limbs, I used cuttings from the strongest and softest silk rope that I could find. It would be an easy matter to slip the band around a wrist or ankle, pass one end through the other and draw tight, then snap the free end into the swivel hook. No amount of plunging or struggling would loosen its attachment and the softness of the silk would prevent Elin's flesh from being chaffed or marked.

Close by the pillars was the pleasure rack disguised as a huge divan upholstered in dark leather, a tone that would be admirably enhanced by the skin color of a naked girl. It stood on eight massive legs (four on each side), behind each of lay coiled a stout leather strap. These were worked by rollers hidden in the upholstery and actuated by additional counterweights. On it were piled cushions of various sorts, among which Elin and Ymdod were used to taking their ease. Even now I could still scarcely believe that Elin's virginity was soon to be sacrificed to the Goddess of Love. The mission of the straps was to hold her in position while being vigorously brolled, should she not have already surrendered herself to her fate!

During the brief span that I had allowed Elin to recover from the violence of our struggle, I quietly studied her. Such picaresque helplessness! Half her weight was on her tiptoes, with the rest of it on her wrists. She was an exhilarating spectacle with her bosom fluttering, rising, and falling with agitated breathing, her cheeks still flushed, and her male-length hair being somewhat disarranged. I particularly enjoyed the way her close-fitting jacket and hose displayed her figure so advantageously. Again I wondered whether had she favored wearing tight garments in the conscious or unconscious wish to attract the eye of passersby? Well, if so one more naughty girl would soon learn the price of making herself look attractive and desirable to a male.

Elin, the doughty little soldier, managed to regain command of herself rather quickly. I did not leave her long in suspense about the seriousness of her situation, but began a circling inspection. Approving of everything I saw, I at last placed a chair right in front of her, so close that its edge almost touched her knees. I then slipped myself into it, keeping my legs apart so that she had to stand between them. Her head was now above mine, allowing me to peer up into her downcast face.

As I took up this position, Elin tried to draw herself away, but the lack of slack in her bonds compelled her to stand just as I had placed her. I pressed my legs closer together, in order to hold hers loosely between them, feeling the shudder that passed through her when she felt the contact. When I reached out and clasped her lightly around the waist she let out a gasp, and this began another spat of defiant struggle. I closed my legs to hold her firmly and pressed my face against her jacket-constrained bosom, savoring the softness that lay within. After a moment of useless scuffle, Elin settled down to await events.

"Stop this nonsense, Hoel!" she finally said.

"Don't you like it, Elin?" I asked. "I thought that serum girls thought of nothing else but of making love. I am trying to imagine what rubbing my face against your naked breasts will feel like. Happily I will not have to wait long to find out." I proceeded to kiss and nibble her pillowy chest.

"No! Hoel!" she said, but her attempt to growl sounded more like a purr, so soft and sweet her voice. She twisted herself in frustration. "Let me go; don't...don't . . ." and her voice choked off, perhaps unable to state the obviousness of my intentions. I continued doing what I'd been doing, and then varied the attack. Using my right hand, I began to stroke her hips and bottom.

"Oh. . . ! Don't, Hoel! Don't!" Elin demanded while futilely dodging my marauding hand. I paid no attention to her unmanly cries, but continued my caressing. I felt down to her knees and then back to her sweet buttocks and haunches, the touch of which brought forth her delicious shiver. Then, at length, I started to squeeze her nether cheeks with strong, greedy fingers.

After toying delightfully in this manner for some little time, I reluctantly ceased and withdrew my hands, but only to caress her incurving flanks. Sated with this, I returned my fond attention to her bosom. Her color grew quite rosy as she swayed in awkward balance. Because her jacket prevented any direct attack on her amble charms, I decided to open her clothes at last and obtain a peep at her still-virgin breasts. I therefore set to work unbuttoning her.

"Hoel, no! no!!" yelled Elin, vainly struggling to get loose. But I only smiled and continued to undo her jacket. I got it open and raised it to her shoulders, only to be further obstructed a close-fitting undershirt. No doubt she wore it latter to minimize the contours of her breasts. I lifted it to her neck, my fingers reveling in the touching the bare flesh underneath. Better than that, right there before my eager eyes, lay the two snowy mountains that Elin had thus far kept hidden from male admiration.

Any lingering doubts about what I intended to do were swept away by the indescribable pleasure of seeing her charms revealed!

Chapter 3

She growled as I touched her, but I was too excited to take notice. My eyes were riveted upon the treasures I had just unearthed. Flushed with lust and unable to restrain myself, I threw my arms round Elin's waist and pressed my lips to her jaunty and jutting mammary flesh.

"Don't, Hoel!" cried Elin as she twisted to escape, but my mouth continued to apply hot, searing kisses to the objects of my admiration. But soon, as before, I thought it better to afford her a little respite. In that way she would have ample opportunity to appreciate the experience of being a girl brought, by means of baby steps, into true womanhood through ardent physical seduction. "Gods deliver me!" she gasped as I stepped away. How precious was the sight of her distress in bawdy dishabille! How little like a soldier she now appeared. . When my unwilling guest had grown calmer, I again passed my arms round her, but this time began to play with her posteriors. She replied with growls and muttered curses, but my hands nonetheless roamed over her firm cheeks, stroking, caressing, and pinching. Despite the pleasure of the spot, I was sated at length. Seeking variety, I grasped the legs of her male-style hose and these I pulled upward, eager to get my first look at Elin's bare legs. Her legs were smooth and shapely; by tugging and sliding the elastic fabric, I bared them to a point just above the knees, the maximum height to which the hose could be raised due to its tightness. By this point Elin had gotten so overwrought that I was again compelled to suspend my love-play out of consideration.

While she rested, I brought over a large plate-glass mirror six feet high. I pushed this looking glass in front of her so that she could see herself at full-length. Elin started uneasily at the sight of herself in such inglorious dishabille.

Having arranged the mirror to my satisfaction, I picked up the chair and placed it just behind Elin. Then, seating myself, I worked the chair forward until she once more stood between my legs, only this time with her back to me. The silvered glass faithfully reflected my hand movements as the front of her person became the object of my irreverent teasing.

I encircled her nubile body again and drew her to me, till her bottom pressed against my chest (glorious sensation!). Then, while my left arm held her firmly, my right hand explored the junction of her stomach and legs, pressing inquisitively upon that part of her that she least want touched, all the while watching her scandalized reactions in the glass.

Her color rose, her breath came unevenly. She pressed her thighs closely together, but though she must have been on guard, I do not think she quite anticipated that I would slip my hand under her waistband and advance it across her lower belly.

"No! No! For the gods' vengeance, don't!" Elin yelled. Again she dragged at her fastenings, hands clenched and head thrown back. With the whole of her weight on her wrists, she strove to fend me off by kicking with her booted heels, but to no avail. The reflected view of her struggles only stimulated me in my play and I forced my fingers along until they felt the fur of her peren. Elin practically collapsed when I touched her most sensitive spot and would certainly have fallen had it not been for the supporting ropes.

I smiled with anticipation. My false friend would have to endure a good deal more of such touching very soon, but for now I desisted and, rising, pushed the chair up to her knees. By loosening the pulleys, I lowered her comfortably into it.

After a brief visit to the changing room to get a device I needed, I returned to Elin's presence and saw that she had collected her wits enough to try to free herself now that her bonds hung slack. Before she could get the silk loops off her wrists, however, I set the pulleys working and soon had her standing erect once more.

Her glare demanded that I explain my intentions. I deemed it suitable to do so.

"I see you want to know what is now going to happen to you, my dear," I said. "Well, you are to be stripped naked, utterly and absolutely naked. In other words, you are going to be placed in that state most pleasing to an ardent male suitor! Oh, let me amend that by saying that you shall have one small garment when it pleases me to give it to you, but only at the proper time."

A flood of crimson swept over her face; her head fell forward as she muttered: "Hoel! . . . How can you be such a low-grade degenerate?"

"If I show less regard for you than I formerly did, your own treachery has brought it about!" I informed her. "There is only one detail that remains to be settled regarding your stripping. Will you undress yourself quietly if I set you loose, or must I drag your clothes off you? I don't wish to influence your decision. I will only say that I do not see what you have to gain by further resistance. If you do resist, some of your garments may be ruined -- which would be a pity! Now, which is it to be? Will you be meek and act as my tame mistress, or remain a fiery, unreconciled captive?"

She looked at me perplexedly and then averted her eyes.

"Come, Elin," I said presently, "I must have your declaration, or else I shall proceed to disrobe you as best as I can."

My guest was evidently in deep dudgeon! Her eyes wandered all over the room without fixing. She was endeavoring to make some decision, obviously, but seemed quite unable to do so.

I patiently awaited her answer. At length, as she did not speak, I quietly went to a drawer, took out a pair of shears, and returned to her. At the sight of the blades, she shivered and, with effort, said in a voice broken with emotion:

"Don't. Whatever revenge you think you need, you must have had enough of it by now."

"Not at all, lovely one," I replied, not unkindly but with ringing certainty. "You can only say that because you make lightly of the fact that you deprived me of a beauty whose virginity you deprived me of. It is only right that your female virginity should be rendered in payment for that which you stole. Your cries of pleasure shall delight me, as hers must have delighted you. Besides, how long do you think you can play of game of being a false male? As a serum you are by nature a lusty wench and now is as good a time as any to plunge into that life. But I want to see you in all your glory. Don't tell me that you haven't had fantasies. I'm told that lewd daydreams are quite common amongst serum girls. Some eventually run away to some alien city to submit to actual slavery in a pleasure house or tavern. I met one such girl in Lerpwl a few years ago. She served so eagerly in the silks that I don't think she ever could have regretted her choice."

Elin, shuddering, cast another rebuking glance my way. Seeing only stern determination mirrored in my own eyes, she grew defiant and rasped: "You devil, I will not cooperate in any way!"

How I admired her then! Had Elin revealed herself to be a weakling by pleading or shedding unmanly tears I would have been devastated. I wished to tame her, but for me to enjoy the taming she had to show spirit. Horse-breakers say that young mares that kick and buck when they're first mounted make the best rides thereafter. I concealed my satisfaction and pretended to be indignant at her recalcitrance. "There is only one thing for me to do," I said, "and that is to undress you without any further delay." I set to work.

Elin yelled abuse when I stepped forward and tried to kick me in the groin. I had expected this move and so quickly seized her offending leg to draw off its boot. Then I did the same with the other. Now that my captive was barefoot, her kicking would be quite harmless, especially seeing as how I had donned a leather groin-shell in the changing room, the sort that wrestlers and gladiators use.

Her jacket still hung open and her raised-up shirt yet displayed her incomparable breasts. In order to take off both her jacket and shirt together I gripped her wrists one at a time, released loop, and slipped the garments over her shoulder and off over her hand. It was quite easy to do and, in a nonce, Elin stood stripped to the waist and yet was held like before. My heart raced at the thought of taking off her hose as well and reducing her to absolute nudity like a kidnapped virgin brought to a slaver's lair.

Elin quickly divined her helplessness and assailed me with blistering rebukes such as would make a drill master blush, but I proceeded to untie the waist drawstring to facilitate the removal of her hose. The knot gave way readily and her hose slipped down below her knees, where I left them gathered while I took in the effect. What a feast for the eyes! Her nudity was almost complete and only her feet and ankles were still hidden from my view. When I snatched the hose totally away in the next moment, she wore no more than a newborn.

Elin evoked the naked water nymphs that men are rarely privileged to see, but which are the most beguiling sight that one could imagine. I could only wonder what she thought of seeing herself reflected so. Did she get sexually excited when seeing herself naked? I only knew what I felt -- a profound stirring in my loins

Oh that I had the art of a master writer to describe Elin at this stage of her distress! Had Elin, since the precipitous arrival of her girlhood, ever enjoyed what I am told are common serum-girl fantasies -- being sold naked in public, being compelled to kneel with crossed wrists before a man who lusted after her? Had Ruk's formula truly made the formerly manly and warlike Elin ob Cryf into one who was by instinct all female, man-hungry, and a natural slave? If so, I would surely find out before I took pity upon her!

I stepped behind Elin and stood there studying her reflection in the mirror, my eager eyes roving over both her front and back views. Her skin was slightly tanned on those parts exposed to the sun, but much of the rest of her was lighter, save for the small patch of dark fur at the junction of her belly and thighs.

Ruk's Serum had blessed -- or cursed -- Elin ob Cryf with sublime beauty and, as I have intimated, her lines were truly goddess-like. Surely the unknown girl that had passed her genetic material on to Elin had been a bred pleasure slave, her beauty enhanced through many generations of forced mating. Elin's head rested on a beautifully modeled neck. Her swelling bosoms were, if anything, a bit too full for her rather lightly built form -- indescribably firm, round, and inviting. She had lithe arms with small, well-shaped hands and not the least of her charms was a trim waist that set off saucy hips and adorable haunches. Her thighs were just right for a man of discriminating tastes, tapering to the neatest of calves and ankles.

Beyond this, Elin had a delectable belly and deep navel. Framed by the lines of her groin awaited her Goddess Temple, fleshy and warmly befurred. Her expression, however, seemed to be bursting with suppressed anger. I sighed. Despite the beauty that the mirror revealed to her, she seemed not to understand what affect her physique was having on me. Why? Had beautiful women not elicited a similar response from Elin when she had been male? If she remembered her feelings back then, she should understand that a man couldn't for long gaze on such perfectly fashioned female sexuality and not long to make full use of such a body in the silks!

But I had to be strong. The journey is often more interesting for a traveler than the goal. Before Elin experienced defloration I wanted her to savor all the intermediate steps that would take her from being a sour pretend-male to becoming a woman who knew the sweetness of being young, beautiful, and female.

Chapter 4

I slipped away to fetch something from a cabinet and concealed it behind my back until I once more stood behind Elin. She studied my reflected expression with apprehension. Wishing to avoid a scuffle that might spoil the moment, I distracted her with a pinch to her alluring bottom. Then before she knew it, something snug had encircled her neck and instantly clicked shut. An alarmed glance into the mirror revealed that she was wearing a black leather collar, suitable for a commonplace pleasure slave. Except for her lamentable lack of a brand, the nude and collared Elin resembled nothing so much as an uncommonly pretty member of that sisterhood.

"Take it off, you perverted wretch!" she howled indignantly. She didn't wait for me to reply before plunging this way and that in a vain attempt to free her hands. I smiled at all the fuss she was making. Had Gwanc, the tyrant of Gendir, chosen to enslave his captives (as he well might have), Elin might already have grown used to the circlet that graced her throat, and would have been well along in her studies of the lovemaker's art.

At last, growing swiftly tired, she settled down. While she dangled there, drawing panting breaths, I took a position from which to view her collared profile, noting with delight the proud projection of her breasts, the curve of her belly, and swell of her buttocks at that angle! Then, changing my perspective yet again, I took in her back view and her reflected front view at the same time!

After a minute or two, my voyeurism sated, I came around to have a good look at her palpitating breasts. I delighted in their delicious fullness, their ivory skin, and the jutting nipples which I longed to take between my lips and tickle with my tongue. With Elin swaying uneasily under this close perusal, I bent my knees and peered into her navel. She grew increasingly uneasy at the downward trend of my inspection -- as well she might! I next investigated the mysterious region of her peren, mostly concealed by a wealth of dark curling hair! While I was doing this, Elin desperately squeezed her thighs together, endeavoring thereby to prevent my inspection of that citadel wherein reposed her (as yet inviolate) female virginity!

At last I rose and, without a word, slipped behind the mirror and to divest myself of my clothes. It was high time that I started accustoming Elin to the view male nakedness. True, she had seen many men naked in the intimacies of war, and earlier in the clean-up area of the school athletic yard, but I wanted her to start looking at male nudity through the eyes of her present and future sex.

"Ugh!" she ejaculated, feigning to be repulsed while willfully averting her eyes. Yet I had seen her glance fix briefly on my glorious erection! Had it affected her? Sundry women have told me that I am an outstanding specimen of manhood. It is for this reason that I strongly doubted that her negative reaction could have been a legitimate one.

"Why close your pretty blue eyes, Elin? Won't you prefer to have a good look at me?" I teased. "I believe that in the near future your blood will run very hot indeed when viewing virile specimens of manhood." Though she made no reply to this, she looked as if she wished to drink the blood from my veins. But if she was a lioness, she was a well-bound one and I was not afraid. After a moment she looked away from my nudity once more and I took this as my cue to continue my address: "Must I then assume by your apparent indifference that you have already seen so many naked men that the sight no longer appeals to you?" She screwed up her face loathsomely at this suggestion, but still mulishly kept her eyes averted.

"Are you not even curious to estimate how well my worshipful idol will fit, once it is installed inside your glorious Goddess Temple?"

Her sullenness irritated me even more than any verbal insult possibly could have, and so I stepped up to her side, passed my left arm round her waist and drew our naked bodies together. Oh, the delight of feeling our warm male and female flesh pressed together! In that position of physical intimacy, the head of my scepter touched her flank and she reacted as if it were the branding iron that would permanently mark her. But I held her fast until she stopped struggling.

"Release me!" she shouted, at last giving up her stubborn silence. I continued defying her, to bring home to her the realization that it is the captive's place to comply, not command. Continuing to hold her close with my left arm, I gently placed my right forefinger on her navel. She reacted with a little lurch. This was to be expected, since, thanks to Chadwor's Serum, a feather-slave's bellybutton was one of the most ticklish points of her body.

When I did not at once withdraw my finger, she squirmed deliciously and yelled: "You blackguard!"

"If you do not like to be tickled, you must buy relief from it with abject obedience," I said somewhat sternly: "You may not like that idea since up until lately you have been a rather masterful man and an officer. But you are just a fetching slip of a girl now and all that has passed in you life before this moment no longer applies. Look at me in the mirror, my beauty, thoroughly from head to foot, fancy what it will feel like when I become you lover, and then answer the questions that I shall put to you."

She perversely shut her eyes and turned her head askew. As it happened, she was looking toward a lash hung upon a hook. "Ah, you seem to yearn for sterner punishments than mere tickling," I chided. "Many natural slaves thrill at the very thought of being lashed. Be assured that I shall not hesitate to chasten you with either the whip or the feather if you do not do exactly as told! Now, have a good look at me!"

Elin shuddered and reluctantly, regarded my reflected image with the saucy appendage that was fated to have such a significant and transforming role in her immediate future.

"Quite a smart salute for a superior officer, eh?" I jibed maliciously, alluding to the fact that Elin had held a lieutenancy while I languished at the lowest rank that could be inflicted upon a minor gentleman. She colored furiously, but once more assumed a surly silence.

"Answer my questions," I commanded her. "Are you a virgin? With men, I mean? I know that you were a perfect rake where women were concerned."

Elin flushed hotly. Evidently the insinuation was so insulting that she had no choice but to give answer, hissing: "You know the answer!"

"Absolutely virgin?" I asked. "A pure virgin? Has no hand ever wandered over those lovely charms, has no eye but mine has seen them?"

Elin shook her head, as if my words had been clinging mud that she longed to shake off.

"What about female eyes and hands, Elin?" I pressed. "I know that you have a most attractive pleasure stable which you still maintain, and that you have been constantly been with your girls since transformation. I would have thought you would have sold them so they would have no chance to laugh at you, and speculate how you will cry out and moan the first time a man takes you in the silks. Or is it that they know things that you would like to learn, now that you are no less beautiful than the best of them and share their sex? No? Well, perhaps the answer is simpler than that. All along I have suspected you of practicing tribadism on the sly. Am I right?"

"That's none of your business!" she growled.

"Wicked girl! If you were innocent, you would have said so. Tsk. In some cities such damnable perversion would have condemned you to slavery under the law. It is a pity that the traditions of Prydferth are not more severe. I think that a few bouts in the silks with a brand on your thigh and a collar about your neck would have cured you of the moral ill which apparently has you in its grip."

When she remained defiantly silent, I went on:

"If you so much like being touched by girls, let us pretend that my hand is a girl's while it excites you." I removed my arm from her waist and slipped it behind her. How she stiffened as she felt my touch on her waist!

But she was not nearly so stiff as I.

I passed my hands gently but inquisitively over her firm hips, stroking, pressing, and patting. Then, letting my hands probe her solid bottom, I worked myself into such an erotic state that was almost painful to contain. She probably never realized how close she came in that moment to experiencing the penetration of her rear aperture. But she must have felt the intensity of my excitement as I gripped her rounded cheeks and squeezed them to my heart's content. Then, having mastered myself somewhat, I descended to her silken thighs and, with slow deliberation, worked my way back to her waist, running my hands up and down her loins before finally returning to her underarms.

The latter I tickled slightly. "Don't!" she exclaimed, wriggling and twisting frenetically, "Don't do that!" At once I ceased. How ticklish she was! Vivid in my imagination was the image of Elin tied down with her legs fastened widely apart with the pointed tip of a passion bird feather applied to her most sensitive spot. I anticipated that, as I plunged her into the lascivious hell of the feather slave that she would wish to the merciful gods that I had done no more than tickle her here and there with my fingers!

Pretending to give in to her entreaties (in order to instruct her that nothing save for girlish entreaties had a hope of swaying me), my right hand roamed below her waist, while my left devoted itself to the tactile enjoyment of her upper belly. For now I carefully avoided her breasts.

What pleasure I gained thus! Her sweet flesh was so smooth, so warm, and so female! My delighted hands roamed all over her body while Elin braced herself like one being tortured, unable to guess whether her breasts or peren was next to be attacked!

I did not keep her long in suspense. After compelling her to accept sufficient stimulation of her rounded belly, my right hand paused on her navel again and, while my forefinger gently tickled it, my left hand gently seized her right breast and lovingly squeezed.

She gave a great cry of dismay! My only response was to take my left hand from her belly and cup her left breast, letting her know that both of her maidenly mountains were now the indefensible prey of my lascivious hands!

Oh, how Elin demanded that I release her lovelies, all the while tossing herself from side to side as my fingers played with their toys -- now squeezing, now stroking, now pressing her delicious breasts against each other, moving them upwards and downwards, gently irritating and exciting the nipples that seemed to grow harder by the moment! Meanwhile Elin's face, reflected in the mirror, amply evinced the anguish she was presently feeling: Her flushed cheeks, dilated nostrils, half-closed eyes, her panting, heaving bosom all revealing her agony of spirit! With pure enjoyment I continued my toying, while gloating to see Elin's image struggling like a trapped bird as unbridled emotion coursed through her!

Though she pretended that my administrations were hateful, I dared to think that her sense of horror stemmed from the pleasurable -- and unmanlike -- impulses she was experiencing. Elin, once a dashing soldier, was learning what it felt like to be nothing more than a nude girl helpless in the power of a male ruled by lusts that he could scarcely contain. Soon, I thought, I would hear my captive, my former friend, pleading with me not to stop, but instead to do more and more of what gave her undreamed of pleasure.

I could not wait for the moment when her hips would willingly and wantonly thrust against mine, craving more and deeper penetration, begging, with moans and gasps, for the bold and brazen lovemaking that no serum girl could ever get enough of.

Chapter 5

I let go of Elin's breasts, freeing my left arm to draw her tightly against me. As my right hand neared her most sacred shrine, the girl threw her weight on one leg and warded her groin with the thigh of the other, crying: "You bastard!" Amused, I pushed aside the ineffective obstruction and made the intended pilgrimage!

I gently teased her curly pelt, twining the silken strands around my fingers. Then I began to stroke and press her glorious Goddess Temple, a finger massaging each side of it. Elin was berating me and twisting vigorously to escape.

As she was forced to stand on both legs to maintain her balance, her peren was left absolutely defenseless. My eager fingers roved all over it, touching, pressing, stroking, and hair-pulling. Then I tickled her "temple gate," passing my forefinger lightly up and down it, until I wrested a gasp from her by -- all the time watching my captive's reaction in the mirror!

Elin 's head at length fell backwards and she shouted: "Hoel, don't! .. . for the gods' sake, don't! . . . stop! . . . stop!" I could feel her peren reacting, thus encouraging me to do persevere! Her distress became almost uncontrollable.

"Oh, by Iau!" she gasped as my finger found her clitoris and began stroking it. She squeezed her thighs together, attempting to foil me. Nonetheless, I continued to tickle her precious button for a few moments longer. I desisted only when it pleased me to gently pass my finger along the groove of her peren and probe between its lips, as if to convey my gratitude for her possession of it. These lips, by the way, were half-opened due to her intense sexual excitement. Nonetheless, my exploring digit could coax its way up her virginal orifice no further due to the barrier of her ymylu It was then that I felt a shiver run through her. Elin, the former seductive rake, was experiencing what a girl experiences in the way of penetration. But it was only a very small taste. The full feast would come in due course.

Oh, if I could but adequately describe my raging emotions at that moment! Elin's naked, struggling body was clutched tightly against mine! My finger was gently exploring her maiden interior! If I wished to do more, I had the license to do it. I sighed when I felt the blockage which I knew to be her ymylu. I must have become uncouth in my eagerness and excited Elin more than I had intended to, for she all at once yelled: "Stop! . . . stop!" and her head fell forward on her bosom!

I consequently withdrew my finger and endeavored to sooth her -- by passing the felonious digit over the fur of her peren, as if it were a pet rabbit. When I sensed her re-attainment of some measure of calm, I released her and stood away.

As soon as Elin's breathing grew steady, I solicitously pushed the chair behind her and cranked the pulley-ropes to slackness, permitting her to drop into its seat. I permitted her to coil up in the chair with her face buried in her hands while I silently stood admiring her voluptuous curves. She looked so sensuous, so much like a common pleasure slave, that I could not but feel an ache in my loins from anticipating how well she would adorn my silks and fulfill my physical needs.

Schedule of erotic ordeals now called for the next stage. Because my hands were itching to touch her more, I decided to tie Elin upright to one of the pillars. This would restrict the movements that would have diminished the effectiveness of the stage of my erotic program. Seated close in front of her, I would amuse myself by playing with her breasts and peren with even more abandon than before!

Elin was now resting quietly and breathing regularly. I generously let her restoration continue, until I noticed her sly attempt to slip her wrists out of their silken nooses. This settled the point. Before she could affect her escape, I set the ropes working, raising her up as before. I moved close then, touched her flank, and felt her shiver. "Well, Elin, shall we resume?"

She glanced at me hatefully. "No, Hoel! Enough of this!"

"Yes, my dear!" I replied, "You shall receive a great deal more of what you have enjoyed already, though not quite in the same way. However, I will take measures to make you more comfortable this time."

She thereupon insulted me, which was a show of spirit that pleased me greatly. All such display of physical and verbal resistance made the game more enjoyable. I confess to feeling be to somewhat the scoundrel whenever Elin lapsed into plaintive, girlish pleading. When she showed sass, she was holding up her end of the game. At the moment I was most satisfied, for she remained angry and defiant. I have since wondered whether she wasn't aware of my temper even while we played the game and was subtly encouraging me to do my worst. As time goes on, the more I believe that this was so.

In response to her obduracy, I smiled and I picked up a leather strap with a buckle at the end. Then I suddenly released the tension in her bonds, causing her to drop precipitously into the chair seat. When she lost her balance, and her capacity to mount any resistance, I restored the tension. This jerked her up, but only part way before I pounced on her and rushed her backwards against the column. Quickly slipping the prepared strap around both it and her waist, I buckled it in a flash. Almost before she knew it, Elin had found herself secured in another position.

Subsequently I slipped the now-unneeded silken nooses from her wrists and forced her arms back behind the column, where I tethered them with prepared slipknots secured to iron rings. I took precaution against her buffeting me with her bare feet or even trying to protect her peren with her thigh by binding one of her ankles with another strap, circling the pillar with the loose end, and buckling this around her other ankle. I had cut the strap to the proper length for a girl Elin's size, so that her knees could not come within six inches of one another!

With both her hands and ankles fixed the way I wanted them, I unbuckled the unneeded strap and threw it aside. Having placed the chair in front of her, I sat down upon it. I wriggled the legs up close, until she stood between my parted knees within easy reach, just as before!

Because my prisoner-guest could not throw her head back due to the column, she let it droop. Amusingly, the first thing that her feverish eyes rested upon was my excited scepter in glorious erection, its blushing head pointing directly towards her as yet unchristened peren!

Flushed rosily from head to foot, Elin stood in front of me with her jaw set and her eyes tightly closed! I leaned back in my chair, reveling in the voluptuous spectacle she afforded me, allowing her a more little time in which to recover ere I set to work torturing her by exciting her erotic cravings!

Before long, Elin's breathing became quieter. She was evidently ready for new experiences. I did not keep her waiting, but gently placed my hands on her breasts.

"No, Hoel, don't!" she warned while bracing herself. My only response was to stroke her ample globes as I pleased. Because her shoulders were drawn well back due to the manner in which she was bound, her bust was thrust forward, thus causing it to stand out provocatively. I took the fullest advantage her position, as any sensible man would have done. Her flesh was, as I had said before, a delight to touch, so smooth and soft and warm. As a woman's sexuality is all tied together, I wondered whether the pleasure I was forcing upon her by way of her breasts affected her peren in any way.

It seemed to me that it did! The hair seemed to stand out as if ruffled, the Temple of the Goddess certainly looked fuller than it had at the time of her initial stripping. The coral lips were distinctly separated, indicating erotic heat, the instinctual invitation of a primeval girl in the grip of a mating frenzy and ready to receive the primitive male! Even so, I could not see her botymu, but I did not doubt that it had been enlarged and stiffened by the same excitement that possessed her body in general.

I slowly brought my fingers closer and gently placed my right forefinger on her slit! This renewed contact seemed to send a shiver through Elin from her toes to her very scalp. She couldn't help but cry out: "Don't, Hoel! . . . Oh, gods! How can you be such a loathsome swine!"

How she struggled to break the ankle-strap that rendered her incapable of fending off my indecencies!

"Don't you like it, dear?" I asked softly as I continued my love play! "You make such a fuss over mere trifles. I grieve when I think of all these months that you have wasted when you might have been enjoying your new sex in the company of friends and servants! If our sport here does nothing else, I hope it will make you more attuned to the possibilities of love in the arms of a male."

She gave no comment (perhaps my suggestion seemed to ridiculous), but she squirmed deliciously as I slipped my finger between her peren lips! "No, no," Elin shrieked, "oh, stop!" Again I found my progress barred by the defiant membrane that proved her virgin condition. I thought her possession of it to be an amusing incongruity, considering how sexually knowledgeable Elin had been since adolescence, when his father had given him a pleasure slave of his own.

No trace remains upon a man to prove he has made love for the first time, but the wise creator-deity marks a woman with a broken ymylu, an injury that would mark her forever as a lusty wife or, if unmarried, a lascivious girl. Every subsequent lover, every physician that examined her, would know of her previous sexual downfall. Any who knew of her condition could spread the gossip of her wantonness with winks and grins.

How delicious to think that I was the one who would take her good reputation from her! Reveling now in the warm moistness of her throbbing girl-flesh, I agitated my finger with the aim of exciting her. "Hoel! Don't!" Elin yelled, out of either distress or shame. But I could not bear to stop what I was doing, and so I pressed on, my left forefinger gently massaging her virgin botymu.

This, atop all that had gone before, was too much for her. Elin went off into a paroxysm of blasphemies at my first touch of it, straining at her fastenings, squirming, wriggling, and writhing like one possessed by a violent demon. She was indescribably lovely in her anguish. Furthermore, the knowledge that it was my rival whom I was causing to experience these degrading sensations only added zest to my occupation!

Disregarding the lass's cries, I urged her to ever-greater heights of arousal, but carefully refrained from carrying things to the critical point. I did not want Elin to experience the blessing of orgasm till I had pushed her powers of self-control to their utmost. I wanted her to ache with the need for release; I wanted her to whimper for relief. The crowning humiliation, that which men call "slut orgasm," I intended to inflict on Elin by means of my tongue. So, exercising every care, I continued to have sport with her peren till I had driven her nearly frantic!

Just then I noticed certain spasmodic contortions of her hips and buttocks, a certain involuntary thrusting out of her belly -- as if her body was begging for coitus. I knew that this meant her control was giving out and she would "go over the mountain" if I did not take care. Most reluctantly, I stopped my play and, leaning back, gloatingly observed Elin as she little by little regained her composure.

My captive lust-object breathed a long sigh of heart-felt relief as she saw me rise from the chair and leave her immediate proximity. From a drawer, I took out a small but longish box, and resumed my seat. She watched me intently, her knowledge of men's doings warning her that something unspeakable was in store for her, and she was not mistaken!

Holding the box in such a way that she could see the contents, I opened it. Inside lay about a dozen long and finely pointed bird of passion wing feathers of bright rainbow hues. Elin at once guessed her fate, viz., that her feather-slave flesh was to be tickled. Her head fell back in her dismay as she howled: "Oh, in Iau's name! not that, Hoel!.. . not that!!. . . you'll kill me!"

I laughed. "How do you know that, my sly minx? Have you allowed one of your slave girls to tickle you? Perhaps you have; I have heard that many girls who bear Signeer's Curse find the experience very arousing. Anyway, you should call not on the father god in these circumstances, but upon his pretty daughter Sopen, the goddess of sexual pleasure. You are yet ignorant of the woman's role in pleasure-giving, alas, but I intend to make you as knowledgeable as the best of her female worshippers." I then proceeded to pick out a sharp, supple red feather. At the sight of it, she called me things that would have made a sergeant-at-arms blush!

I'd been looking forward to tickling Elin for a long while. It is said that some of the strongest-willed girls may be broken more easily by a passion bird's feather than with the whip. If a female finds herself begging for mercy and agreeing to do all that a captor demands after a mere tickling, she realizes how weak and slave-natured she actually is. I've heard of some girls, even serum girls, who have given up all resistance, both physiological and physical, after their first serious tickling.

"Steady, dear! Steady now, Elin!" I said soothingly, as if addressing a restive mare. Then I touched her navel with the pointed end of the stiff feather. Elin gasped, a sound that I had been longing to hear. I proceeded to apply the plume to the pretty orifice, first passing the tip lightly, but searchingly, around its periphery. "Don't, Hoel!" cried Elin, shuddering. Then, seeing that she was utterly subject to my unbendable will, she nerved herself to endure the ordeal, set her teeth, closed her eyes, and set her jaws so as not to cry out.

Then followed what was thoroughly enjoyable sport for me and hell on earth for my guest. I had tickled silk girls before and so knew how to do the job to achieve maximum effect. My efforts soon defeated Elin's determination to endure all in stubborn silence. She was screaming, struggling, writhing, and straining at her fastening. Her closed eyes and clenched lips, her heaving breasts, her involuntary tossing and lurching, were a joyous sight to behold. So extreme was her reaction that I wondered if even her strong young heart could suffer much more of it.

I unexpectedly drew back to give Elin another turn at rest. She seemed to come back to herself rather quickly, proving that the feather torture was as harmless as it was wicked. Her eyes fell at once upon the dreaded plume between my fingers.

"You who have tickled so many girls yourself must know how much I'm enjoying this exercise," I remarked. "But the belly button of a girl is by no means as sensitive as certain other parts of her body. I think it is time address some new place, one where you will feel the feather even more keenly."

"Let me go, Hoel," Elin gasped breathlessly. "Name any other vengeance. I can endure anything else! I do not deserve this! You know I did not keep the lady you craved for very long! That I took her at all was only meant in jest!"

"I would have been less insulted if you really had wanted to make her your mistress," I said, with surprisingly little anger. "But you only wanted to infuriate me. That was a terrible offense and is why your punishment must be equally terrible."

"Hoel, don't!" she yelled crimson-faced at the feather's renewed attack, pressing herself back against the pillar in an impotent effort to escape. For response, I passed the tip of the plume along the lower portion of her mammary globes, touching the skin ever so lightly -- here and there -- and then tickling her maiden nipples! Elin began to buck from side to side, as much as her fastenings would permit. Unconsciously, the torture must have been very arousing, considering the sudden stiffening of her nipples. They stood up tense and full, as if wishing to show even more surface to offer to the punishing feather!

I thought it well to allow Elin another brief respite, but of a different type. As I dropped my hand to my lap, I leaned forward and proceeded to kiss each breast in turn, taking each nipple between my lips and sucking it amorously until it again became soft and yielding. I conducted this occupation as if really hoping to draw milk. Elin's struggles eased under my ministrations and her violent breathing subsided into gasps and moans. She seemed to enjoy her pretend milking and it occurred to me that if Elin were one day blessed with a nursing infant, it would hard to imagine that she would ever permit it to be weaned.

At that point I desisted my tender lip-play and made as if to repeat the feathering. However, after a touch or two (which produced angry yells and violent contortions), I pretended to be moved by Elin's distress and desisted, leaning back in the chair until she settled.

I used the recess to consider the situation. As soon as the regular rise and fall of her lovely bosom indicated renewed composure, I would proceed to explore the effect of a passion bird feather applied with determination and vigor to Elin's peren!

Chapter 6

With the feather poised, I slowly extended my right arm. Predictably, an ejaculation of appall broke from Elin as soon as she realized what new torment was in store for her. Reflex caused her to flatten her bottom against the pillar to evade me, but the only effect was to force forward her Goddess Temple, thus rendering her peren even more open to attack!

I carefully brought the tip of the feather against the lowest point of Elin's love canal, and then very softly began to ply it up and down over those delicate coral lips! As soon as the feather touched her, she uttered a gasp at the shocking sensation. It took but little more application to have her throw her head backwards, uttering delightful cries, and twisting and lunging her body wildly. I had witnessed such behavior from bound feather slaves before. It was so like being in a pleasure house with a anonymous girl that I had to remind myself that this particular girl -- forced to act in a feather-slave's role -- was none other than Elin ob Cryf!

I proceeded to swish my feather ever nearer to Elin's little botymu, seeking to achieve the wickedest titillation possible, to drive her beyond endurance. Sometimes I passed the plume all along the organ I assailed; sometimes I tickled it not only outside but also the sweet, moist interior. Then I would pass the tip of the quill all round the sensitive bud that sits at the heart of a maid's sexuality, tantalizing it without so much as touching it. The effects of all this wanton attention upon Elin's genitalia soon became evident.

First the lips of Elin's peren began to pout, then to gape a little, a manifestation of her raging sexual excitement. The more I tickled, the more it yawned, as if inviting the tool of torment to enter her again as deeply as it already had -- in which instance I was eager to oblige!

As I read back my own words I see that my description does not do justice to details of the tableau as registered upon an eyewitness! Elin, firmly bound to the pillar, had gone into a paroxysm of contortion, all the while shrieking in anger and mortification. Rendered breathless from the continuing indecencies, my captive's eyes started to start out of her head, while her lips braced against clamped teeth and her full, ripe bosoms heaved.

Fascinated, I continued to give her more and more of the feather, all that she could bear and then some, noting the regions where she reacted most strongly to tickling and tickling her all the more liberally there. My only concern was that Elin might prematurely go into an uncontrollable orgasm. Her exhausted collapse would at that point end my sport! But for now her strength withstood my assault and the game continued unabated.

But all good things must come to and end. I had just forced the feather inches up into her saer and was beginning to twirl it when I perceived that my victim could bear no more! Her head fell forward on her bosom, her sublime figure lost its self-supporting rigidity, and she collapsed into flaccidness. In fact, Elin was prevented from falling to the floor only by the bonds I had fixed upon her! There was nothing to be gained by prolonging the tickle-torture while Elin remained in a swoon, so I quickly loosed her wrists and ankles and carried her to the large divan-couch. There I gently laid her out, knowing full well that she had suffered no real harm and would soon have the vitality to endure and react to additional erotic teasing.


The couch on which I had placed Elin was the afore-mentioned disguised pleasure rack. It was nearly eight feet by four feet wide, upholstered in dark green satin, and stuffed in such a way as to be soft and springy. Even so, firm enough as to not to allow a person to sink too far into it, and therefore make any part of a girl's body inaccessible to a knave with erotic teasing on his mind. At the upper end was a concealed mechanism that worked strong leather straps. The object of the apparatus was to extend a girl spread-eagled either on her back or her front and to maintain her fixed thus while I amused myself! From about halfway down the sides of the frame there issued a pair of supplementary straps, also worked by mechanisms. By means of these, Elin's legs could be pulled apart and there held, should I want to devote my attentions to her peren unhindered by her kicking, or even to brol her against her will!

I did not wish to fatigue my prisoner by allowing her the means to struggle. That is why, before she was fully recovered, I slackly attached the straps to her wrists and thighs. Hardly was she secured before Elin began to come to herself. I immediately quitted her side and went to another part of the room, my back turned, but at a point from whence I could watch her reactions in the mirror.

I saw the pretty brunette draw a deep breath and then, opening her eyes, look about as if puzzled as to where she was. Almost immediately she tensed, undoubtedly recalling that what she had so far undergone had been harsh reality and no mere erotic dream. One of her hands leapt to her breasts and the other to her peren, and these organs she soothed by means of vigorous stroking. Presently Elin raised herself to a sitting position, at which point, seeing my back turned, she tried to free herself from the straps.

This new attempt to escape demonstrated to my satisfaction that my guest must have fully recovered, so I returned to her and, without a word, touched the spring that set the mechanism working noiselessly. Immediately the straps commenced to tighten. Elin started in a fright, knowing full well how a slave-rack worked and how, in mere moments, it would leave her the helpless object of my lust. Had she not herself enjoyed more than one girl served up upon such a device in her bygone days as a practicing roué?

"No!" she cried and desperately endeavored to slip out of her fastenings, but the straps were tightening at a pace that upset her efforts, throwing her off balance, to fall backwards across the length of the couch. She lacked the slack to try another escape attempt and was inexorably drawn into a position that rendered all further resistance impossible!

With cruel satisfaction, I watched as, inch by inch, she was pulled flatter and flatter, till she rested flush to the satin. Her knees had been drawn apart till their heels rested on the edges of the couch. At that point I stopped the machinery and stood over her, savoring the spectacle of her too-long-delayed comeuppance. Elin was now utterly helpless, her bosom heaving and fluttering, her face red with shame at having her breasts and love-nest conspicuously exposed to my male inspection!

When I had sufficiently gratified myself visually, I quietly seated myself by her waist and began to survey the delicious abode of Elin's maidenhead, hidden just within her virgin peren, a part of her that was fully exhibited! With sparkling eyes, I regarded the delicately tinted lips that were aquiver with sensations quite new to her. Then, with intense delight, I saw that her botymu had grown enlarged, no doubt with the intensity of her erotic stimulation! I intently scanned the junction of her belly and thighs, her smooth legs, the lines of her groin, while all this time Elin lay basking in fuming mortification! I was reminded of a bit of lascivious verse:

He sees his true love in her naked bed, Shaming the silks with skin whiter than white; But when his glutton eye full gorged hath fed, His other agents aim at like delight!

So it was with me! My hands were tingling in their anxiousness to explore the mysteries of Elin's saer, to wander unchecked over her silk-smooth belly and thighs. My twyll was in a painful state of erection and I could hardly restrain myself from falling on her and ravishing her then and there! But with a strong effort I suppressed my rioting desires and tore my eyes away!

After sitting quietly for a moment, drawing deep breaths as to steady myself, I changed position, placing my hands on her lovely breasts. As I squeezed these delectable handfuls, I lowered my face till I almost touched hers, and then whispered: "You possess the most fascinating erotic attributes I have ever known in a woman. I'm sure you have stiffened the loins of every man who ever cast his glance upon you, including even your loyal servant Ymdod." When she made no reply, I deliberately drew a squeak from her by pinching a nipple. "You are a girl now Elin, with the morals of a slut and the instincts of a slave. It is time you learned to be an active giver of pleasure, not just a passive receiver of it. Therefore, kiss me!" I placed my lips against hers, and felt her scalding breath on my upper lip. Elin flushed hotly and wrenched her face to one side.

I had never yet kissed Elin properly since she had attained girlhood and was mad to do so! "Elin, kiss me!" I repeated more harshly, "or else you shall be tickled again, much more severely than before!" Having uttered my warning, I pressed my mouth to hers once more. She must have feared the feather greatly, for I felt her lips mash eagerly against mine. It must be said that the kiss, on her end at least, had been poorly performed, but it had tasted delicious. When I ma in great need I can enjoy a flawed kiss even as a man dying of thirst can savor brackish water.

I sat up then and said, "Put away that woebegone look! A captive female must kiss whenever she is ordered to, so give me another!" At once I placed my right cheek in position to receive a peck. When she reluctantly delivered, I ordered another for my left cheek. Again she complied and, wishing to push her indignation as far as possible, said, "Now give me two more, nice, big wet ones, mouth to mouth!"

These, too, I received. I triumphantly threw my arms round her neck, and drew her face flush against mine. Then I plied blazing osculation all over her mouth, eyes and cheeks, until she gasped for breath!

Not wishing to exhaust my taste for kissing with undo gluttony, I drew back and placed my hands on her belly. After softly stroking it, I began to trace the converging lines of her groin.

Elin shouted in sudden alarm! "No, no! By Iau, no.. . don't touch me there! . . . Not there!" and struggled to break loose. Though entertained by the girlish tones she had unconsciously slipped into, I disregarded these entries and continued my two-pronged attack. Soon my itching fingers had reached the forest of hairs that clouded her love-nest. My captive squirmed deliciously as she felt my fingers advancing. When I pressed my finger just a little way between her moss-cushioned lips, the quiver of her hips betrayed the intensity of the pleasure she was enjoying!

Shall I ever forget the sensations of that moment! Elin's peren was at my mercy and I had the fullest possible view of it. More than that, I was also touching it with impunity! My fingers, ranged on each side of her Goddess Gate, amorously played in the silky hair and gently tugging at the curls! In such close proximity, I could feel every quiver and tremor passing through her genitalia, every involuntary reaction induced by the mischief of my fingers. I could even scent the womanly scent of her arousal!

I continued to toy sweetly with Elin's treasure box, till the movement of her hips, as well as her incoherent exclamations, warned me that I was testing a raw girl's endurance too much. I did not yet want her to attain orgasm, having determined that Elin's first pleasurable surrender to Sopen's delights should be induced in a much more scandalous way, one that would leave her blushing and reluctant to tell anyone about how I had used her. For this reason I reluctantly desisted from my delightful occupation!

My apparent withdrawal seemed to bring her easement, but instead of quitting her side, I surprised her by clasping her in my arms and raining hot kisses on her lips and cheeks, murmuring brokenly: "0 Elin! .. . 0 Elin! . . ." Then, pressing my face against hers, I crushed her in my arms, causing her breasts to flatten against my chest. Thus I held her until we both grew calmer and her trembling ceased.

I let go of her at last and went to fetch a goblet of wine. For about five minutes there was dead silence in the girl-training chamber, broken only by Elin's agitated breathing. Soon this ceased and she seemed to recover command of herself . But had she regained her stubborn defiance as well? I softly whispered to her: "Will you not capitulate to me now, Elin dear? It must be plain even to you that your surrender must, in the end, be utterly abject."

She jerked her face away and said between clenched teeth: "No, no, I'll never. . . let you.. . have me! I loathe every touch of your body! Let me go now and I will not call the law down upon your head."

I shook my head slowly. I would not have accepted any such pledge. I was prepared to take measures to dissuade her from reporting the liberties I had taken. I would do this by inflicting on her great-house pride such an mortifying experience of erotic conquest that she could never bear to have even her own parents know of it, and hence she would be my dependable ally in maintaining secrecy regarding this day's activities.

I replied sternly, "No, my dear, you shan't go free till you've been well punished and well brolled! You should not think it unfair that I should require a quid pro quo for the many hours of diversion that your treachery and lechery deprived me of."

She did no more than shut her eyes and groan.

I decided to play upon her female vanity, a quality I was sure she possessed, despite the hoydenish persona she had been stubbornly maintaining. Serum girls have a genetically-driven need to mate with abandon and, better still, they thrill psychologically at having their social, physical, and sexual inferiority brought home to them. Though these debased creatures possess no real pride, vanity rules them, and so I said, "I would endure any punishment by the hands of the law if I might first make love to the most beautiful woman in all the world."

She looked questioningly at me, clearly taken aback by my declaration. Her eyes followed me as I unexpectedly stepped away from her and toward the table. When she saw me selecting another finely pointed passion-bird feather from the box that held my supply, she instantly divined her cruel fate and frantically tugged at her bonds.

I seated myself by her knees, so as be within reach of her peren while affording myself a good view of all that transpired! Then, without another word, I applied the point of the feather to the lowest part of her virgin orifice. I did not want to let Elin go from the Comfortium without first bringing it home to her how much of an abject feather slave she really was!

A fearful scream broke from Elin and she shook from head to foot! Her muscles knotted as she vainly strove to wrench free! Arching her back, she endeavored to turn herself first on one side and then on the other, doing what little she could to dodge the quill! The more she shrieked and wriggled, the greater the pleasure it afforded me. Deaf to her incoherent pleadings, I continued to tickle her, sometimes up and down, sometimes assailing the tender tissues just inside her peren lips, noting with cruel delight how they once more began to gape! Elin presented the most voluptuous spectacle imaginable with clenched hands, half-closed lids, heaving breasts, palpitating bosom, plunging hips, tossing bottom, and jerking thighs.

I feathered her thoroughly and took my time about it before I deemed it wise to relent and give her a pause. "Ah!... .Ah!" she murmured half-unconsciously with eyes shut after my cessation. I let her lie still, but closely watched her. Presently her eyes opened halfway and she heaved a deep sigh. I made as if to resume the procedure. "No, no," she groaned faintly, "it's no use! .. . I can't stand it!. . . Don't tickle me anymore!"

Was this a true capitulation, or merely a delaying tactic to build up her strength for more defiance? "Well then," I replied, "will you yield yourself to me as a willing girl in the silks?"

Elin lay silent for a moment with her eyes closed, and then with an evident effort said, "Yes!"

Had she truly been tamed by the plume? Had it truly been only a couple hours since I had captured and bound her? Though suspicious that Elin was only feigning weakness, I let the quill fall between her parted legs and leaned forward to take her into my arms: "There must not be any mistake, Elin," I said, softly but firmly. "Are you willing to let me do to you anything and everything that I may wish? Will you submit to being treated as a pretty female captive in all ways?"

Blinking with half-opened eyes, she at least did not shake her head.

"And do you promise to do absolutely everything and anything sexual that I may wish you to perform?"

She hesitated suspiciously: "W-What will you want me to do?"

"I don't know," I replied, "but whatever it may be, you must do it. Do you promise?"

She stared into my eyes, but couldn't or wouldn't make reply.

"The price for more resistance is a long session of tickling. I give you to the count of three. One, two..."

"Yes!" she exclaimed.

"Then kiss me. Kiss me properly in token of peace, my girl! Give me the sort of kiss that you have oftentimes demanded from pleasure slaves." Then, placing my lips on hers, I drew forth from her kisses that tasted like honey from a spoon. She still had much to learn, but these kisses were better than any before them. Did kissing a man suggest to Elin any of the experiences and sensations that still lay ahead for her?

Chapter 7

At last I broke off the kiss, but only so that I might play with her breasts once more.

Elin moved uneasily while I indulged myself. When I eased up, she asked, "Will you release me now?"

"Not just yet, dear," I replied, "not until I have taken measures to sweeten your tart disposition."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I shall restore you to ease by kissing you all over. Now lie still and you will enjoy the greatest pleasure a girl can sample without forfeiting her virginity!"

I took her again in my arms and lustily kissed her eyelids, cheeks, and hair. Then I showered burning kisses all over her breasts. I took a nipple between forefinger and thumb and alternately licked and sucked it vigorously.

"Stop! Oh, for the gods' sake stop!" she cried at length.

That I was affecting her so only encouraged me to continue. She yelled even louder as I abandoned one breast and switched my attentions to the other. I continued my sucking and tongue tickling until her nipples' sudden stiffening warned me to forebear. She was well aroused, but I did not intend to have the release of orgasm so soon.

I then encircled her neck with my arms. When I attempted to slip the tip of my tongue into her mouth, she wrenched her face to one side. "You don't like it?" I asked tauntingly. "There are other uses to which a man put his tongue. Soon you may be sorry you did not my first choice."

I then set to delve her navel, pushing my tongue in and waggling the tip. She was so ticklish there that she could not help but cry out, "No! Don't!" and fought wildly.

I intended to tickle her much more severely than this, however. Thrusting my hands under the firm cheeks of her bottom, he held her in place and ran my tongue lightly over her abdomen, working it closer and closer to her peren. She shrieked and endeavored to elude my mouth with frantic wriggling, but she was well bound. Though Elin was resisting the idea of enjoying a woman's pleasure, one who finds that she likes the tonguing act known as iaith usually enjoys it so much that she will afterwards request it from a lover. At this critical moment, I lightly ran my tongue along Elin's intimate gateway. The effect was astounding! She moaned, her hips arched, and for a moment I thought she would swoon. But as my tongue again caressed her peren, she went off into a paroxysm of shouting, writhing, and squirming. Her hips moved so strongly that, although I was firmly gripping her buttocks, she almost dislodged me.

Once more her peren began to relax, reflexively making way for my tongue. Accordingly I probed it, feeling her legs under my elbows jerk in reaction. Her head rolled from side to side as she struggled against the intense sexual yearning that Ruk's Serum instilled in its hapless subjects.

Oh, if I could only describe Elin's arousal and signs of mortification just then! Her breath came in snatches, her breasts heaved, and half-broken ejaculations escaped from her quivering lips. Thrusting my tongue as deeply as I could, I assailed her botymu and stimulated it with one final and supremely well-performed waggle. Her screams rang in my ears.

She was behaving as if she were really being tortured, not merely sexually teased. Disregarding her histrionics, I took her botymu entirely between my lips and sucked hard. This was too much for Elin. "Stop.. . stop it's coming! It's coming!" she gasped.

I did stop, but only to gain the perspective I needed to fully witness her explosive release. She despairingly wailed: "Oh . .Oh I.. . can't. . . help.. . it." It was then that Elin, once a man of noble birth, once an officer in the army, was carried away like a common pleasure-house girl and spent frantically, helplessly. Men call such a display a man not her husband a "slut orgasm," unless she is slave, and then it is known as a "slave orgasm." It is normal for slaves to orgasm wildly, but for a free woman to experience a slut's rapturous state is thought to be a great disgrace. Knowing herself capable of experiencing such joy in a slut's role was just what Elin needed to humble her overweening pride!

How can I do justice to the sight of her wanton release! She laid on her back, completely naked, utterly absorbed in the sensations of sexual pleasure, her body pulsating with each involuntary spasm. Her back arched, her eyes closed, her lips hung half-open, and her nipples stiffened. I could only imagine the strength and rawness of the emotions that were coursing through her. And then, her passion spent, she fell limp.

My lovely guest remained so for a minute or two, as if in swoon. I chose this lull to slave-mark her hip. I would have been more satisfying to touch her lovely flesh with a hot iron, but that would have been tantamount to enslaving her before the law, and a man cannot do that with impunity, not to a free woman of his own city. So I instead brought out the stencil I had prepared beforehand and, with it a bit of wool and some stain from a small bottle, I dabbed upon her hip the most common slave mark, the vaec. This was the symbol that girls in base pleasure slavery usually wore. The stain would be indelible to soap and water, but it could be removed by rubbing it with a swab soaked in strong distilled spirits.

When I had finished, I stood back to behold my handiwork and was amazed but how such a little thing like a slave mark seemed to transform a woman. From a distance the stain looked real. How my maleness throbbed to imagine Elin truly slave-branded and how I exulted in the vengeance attained!

Presently I noticed Elin's stirring. When she drew a deep breath and dreamily opened her eyes, I stooped to kiss her mouth. "Uhmm!" She cried and tried to wrench her face away.

I straightened my back. "You have come well along in your lessons, Elin. Now, let me have an honest tongue kiss. Yield and I shall release you from the couch. You would like that, wouldn't you?"

She seemed to think about my offer. But I acted before she could make any decision, pressing my tongue against the fence of her teeth. Irked by this obdurate resistance, I pinched her left breast. The pain of it brought a gasp from her, and with it the abandonment of her dental barrier. I held her chin so she couldn't bite my tongue, and probed her warm, wet, mouth. Though enjoying myself, I still feared a bit, so I desisted after mere few seconds.

At that point, true to my word, I unfastened my prisoner. Raising her from the pleasure rack, I scooped her into my arms and bore her to the chair. She promptly curled herself upon it, burying her face in her hands. How indescribably lovely she was, radiantly nude and wearing both the collar and the vaec that declared her a mere object of male delight.

Yet I was disappointed that she was not yet sufficiently enjoying her side of the seduction, and so I busied myself with pouring out two goblets of siolat. My fingers trembled with anticipation, for this was the moment I had long looked forward to. I surreptitiously fortified her draught with a generous dosage of "passion nectar," the aphrodisiac that both pleasure slave trainers and seducers used to drive their female partners into sexual heat. I smiled, contemplating what salutary effects such a distillation might have on a man-spurning individual such as Elin. I did not think she could resist its salutary effects. After all, had she not already experienced a prolonged female orgasm even without its benefits!


My readers will naturally wonder at my condition of mind and body at this point.

Naturally I had been in a state of considerable erotic excitation from the moment I had first laid rude and lustful hands upon my prisoner. But all through the hours of dalliance I had managed to control myself. The course of events, however, was proving too much for me. I was nearly mad with a sexual craving that begged for consummation and release.

But how could so huge a lust be satisfied while not sparing Elin's psychological conditioning? I wanted to keep her virgin for as long as possible, while bringing her closer by degrees to abandoned lovemaking. I had not completed my carefully prepared program of fondling and quasi-tortures by half. Though I wished to transform the disdainful hoyden into a lusty wench, to brol her at this stage of the game was out of the question. What should I do next?

Her mouth was unbearably beautiful and that suggested to me the pleasure of teur. My blood heated at the idea of being slave-kissed by Elin. Alas, she could not be trusted with my twyll between her teeth. She needed much more taming before I could attempt anything so dangerous. There were, of course, her breasts. A knave could have a delicious time forming a tunnel of them and working his twyll through it, but this, like teur, was a game better played when her rebelliousness was more completely quelled. There were her hands, of course, and I naturally longed to have Elin excite me manually. Clearly, though, if I yielded to this desire, nothing would be easier than for her to give my sensitive parts a vengeful wrench that would throw me out of action entirely.

The only avenues to take were those that would allow me to take her while well bound. Gair seemed to be the answer and while I was feverishly debating the advisability of this, an innocent movement on her legs suddenly displayed the curves and of her posterior. Her derriere was too tempting to resist. Yes, I would impose gair on Elin; I would compel her to become acquainted with the feeling of a woman being penetrated by a male's hugeness.

Elin was still curled up in the armchair with her eyes closed when I touched her shoulder. She looked up jumpily. "I think you have rested long enough," I said, "Now up with you. I want you to sate the lust your wanton beauty has aroused in me!" I pointed to my twyll, now in a state of terrible erection.

She stared as if I were showing her a deadly weapon.

"See!" I addressed the girl, "You know what it feels like to be a man in this state of excitement. You must do something to put my scepter out of its torment. You can do it either by performing a humble slave kiss on your knees, or by submitting to gair. Now tell me quickly, for I can barely keep my hands off you!"

She stared disbelievingly. "No," she all but shouted; "damn it! I won't!"

"You must!" I replied somewhat sternly, my temper being strained in direct proportion to my sexual urgency. "Remember the promises you have made! What do you think you were pledging to do? You are no virgin ignorant of what girls in pleasure houses apply themselves to every day. Come now, no nonsense! Say which you'll do!"

She glared into my face. ""Neither! I promise only to kill you if you do not kill me first"

What a wicked suggestion! I think I would have preferred to die myself than to take such a beauty from the light of the world. So much for my captive's promise to do anything asked! Bending over her, I gripped Elin's shoulders: "I have given you your choice!" I sternly lectured. "If you prefer to be active, I will sit on the couch and you can slave-kiss me until I send my balm into your sweet mouth. Or, if you would rather be passive, you can lie on your tummy and teach you the pleasure of gair! Now which shall it be? Should you continue being obstinate, you will have to do both, and to my full satisfaction!"

"Are you deaf as well as mad and depraved? I won't do either! Not even if you kill me!"

Exasperated, I gripped her firmly and then half-carried and half-dragged her to an innocent-looking padded bench. Forcing her onto it, face downwards, in spite of all resistance, I soon fixed her there, via hitherto concealed straps for her wrists and ankles. Elin was now secured in the desired position, flat on her face and astride of the stool, her wrists and ankles secured to the longitudinal wooden bars that maintained the rigidity of the bench.

What a lovely creature she was, little more than a collared she-beast ready for mating! Though she could not raise her shoulders or bosom, by straightening her legs she could heave her bottom upwards a little. Her position was perfect.

Now the rascally game began in earnest. I passed my hands over the girl's glorious backside, pinching, patting, caressing, and stroking. My fingertips wandered amorously along her goddess-like thighs, reveling in their smoothness and softness, while Elin squirmed deliciously! Needless to say, her love-nest was not neglected. My fingers tenderly and lovingly played with it and caused her the most exquisite titillation. I felt a warm wetness seeping through her pubic hair, testifying to the fact of her unwilling arousal. Was this the first clear sign that the passion nectar was having its desired effect, or was it more than that? Once again I couldn't help but wonder if Elin, probably unconsciously, was not playing an erotic game with me no less than I was playing one with her.

I left her and went to a cupboard. After rummaging about inside, I found what I sought, a whip of lledar. This is an artificial substance created by the guild of engineers and lledar whips are much favored by slavers. It was a very springy and elastic material, calculated to sting but not to mark human flesh. This made it perfect for the slave taming of fresh, unbroken girls without scarring them. It was time for the switch because I desired to make Elin a little more submissive. Then, too, I wanted her to realize that every promise she made must be kept, even if wrested from her through duress.

Even yesterday I had assumed that this moment would never come. But here it was! Elin, naked and bound, was held before me, in the perfect position for a switching.

Chapter 8

As I approached her whip in hand, she instantly guessed her fate and struggled to win free. Elin was, of course, too firmly bound to do ought before I had placed myself in a commanding position behind her. I raised the switch and gave her a cut!

A fearful shriek broke from her! It surprised me that a bold ex-soldier would react so unmanly to a scourging so slight. Nonetheless, satisfied with her reaction, I administered another stroke, and then several more. Elin yelled and wriggled in a marvelous way. The degree to which she was able to move was impressive, considering how tightly she was tied. Being a man of kind heart, it had been long since I had engaged in switching a girl who didn't accept it as an accustomed particle of love-play. But Elin was a defiant wench and it was high time that she paid the wages that stubbornness and defiance earned.

Exulting at the vengeance I was experiencing, I disregarded her curses and cries and aimed my strokes at the most tender parts of her bottom, sometimes striking one luscious cheek, sometimes the other, and occasionally both together! Her cries were a symphony to my ears, while the plunging of her girlish hips and buttocks enthralled my vision. But soon, too soon, her strength began to falter and her loud, healthy shrieks weakened to spasmodic, inarticulate ejaculations! Not wishing to beat a bound lass more than she could appreciate erotically, I reluctantly ceased.

Soothingly, I passed my right hand over Elin's rosy, punished bottom, stroking it like a thoroughbred's haunch. This solicitation seemed to alleviate the pain and I may happily report that the scourging she had not marked her flesh at all! Her skin was like that of a baby, slightly pinker perhaps, but clear and fresh. As I patiently waited, her trembling died away and her breath came freely and normally. Soon she was herself again and fit for more instruction.

"Well, has the nonsense been whipped out of you, Elin?" I asked admonishingly. She shuddered, but did not answer.

"What, not yet?" I exclaimed theatrically. "Must I give you another turn?" I raised the whip.

"No, no!" she cried, "I'll cooperate!"

I was instantly suspicious. Elin had been dealt only a single brief switching? To capitulate so soon would have made her the most notorious poltroon in the army, and I knew that was not the case. Was Elin's passivity due to the passion nectar? Or was she playing a cunning game, still determined to resist and only pretended to submissiveness? In the latter case she might be angling to seize some sort of advantage if I mistakenly assumed that the fight had gone out of her. This strategy was only to be expected of a good soldier.

I could do naught but go forward with my agenda. Henceforth, though, would do so with more caution. "Then lie still and behave yourself," I declared, throwing the whip into a corner of the room -- an act that must have brought great relief to the bound girl.

From a drawer I took a tiny jar of vail-seed oil. Elin, who was watching my every move, exclaimed in alarm: "Hoel, what are you going to do?!"

My only response was to dip my right index finger in the ointment and use it as an applicator. How she gasped when I commenced the lubrication of her rhadus, thus preparing her for a session of gair. During her anointment, she squirmed delightfully, stimulated by intimacy of my touch, no doubt. Then, placing myself full in her sight, I set to work balming my own rampant scepter. "Guess what all this is for, my dear!" I said.

She guessed accurately! In fact, she must have used vail-seed oil or similar oils when, as a male, she enjoyed gair with pleasure girls. For a moment my captive struggled desperately to get free, crying: "Oh! Gods! . . . no, Hoel.. . no! . . . you'll kill me!"

"Don't be alarmed," I said quietly. "Many a lass no larger or stronger than you has delighted a score of jaded customers all in a single day. I have read that when Ruk concocted his serum, he spliced into it genes from girls who had unusually strong and durable rectal tissue. That is why serum girls and enhanced women may be put to very frequent gair-use without doing injury to them. Come, come, why the woebegone look? Where is your soldiery courage? My only aim is to give you pleasure. You know as well as anyone how pleasurable gair can be for a man. Now you shall learn its salutary effect on a woman. Lay still, Elin, and don't attempt to make me miss my mark or I shall have to switch you harder than before!"

Then, placing myself in position behind her, I leant forward till the head of my male spear rested against her well-oiled rhadus.

"Gods in heaven! - No, no!" she yowled, tossing her bottom this way and that in an attempt to thwart me, despite my grave warning. But she had little latitude for moment and the first contact of my rampant staff with Elin's flesh maddened me. Thrusting fiercely, I, with very little difficulty, shoved my maleness halfway up Elin's tight passage. What a moan she gave, but I did not think she was being harmed. Then, eager for more, I rammed myself yet deeper, until my stones warmly pressed against the soft cheeks of her bottom!

This would be another good lesson for Elin, I thought. Though still technically a virgin, she was acquiring some sophisticated knowledge about sexual penetration as a female. After this a trust into her saer would not come as much of a shock to her as it would have had she not initiated as a passive engaging in gair.

By Iau, gairing Elin was like entering heaven itself! It suggested what our brolling would be like in the very near future. Her naked body was flush with mine! My lance was buried to full length in her bottom!

Not eager to withdraw, I rested motionless upon her, my hands playing with her breasts, my cheek rubbing against her averted face. I listened to her inarticulate murmurs and felt the irregular heaving of her bottom. Finally she seemed to settle into quiescence.

When I desired more response from her, I gently tickled her between the thighs. Elin plunged wildly under me. "Ah! . . . Ah! . ." she ejaculated. Suddenly, excited beyond endurance by her vigorous reaction, I let myself go! I spent blissfully into Elin, flooding her interior with my boiling tribute!

She lurched in horror beneath me while receiving my hot balm. "Ah! Ah! . . ." she gasped, as if scalded. Her peren tightened about the finger that had been teasing it so pitilessly and Elin plunged headlong into a frenzied female orgasm! Locked in my embraced, she continued to spend uncontrollably and all but swooned from ecstasy!

Our sexual release took something from us and for some seconds we both lay in silence, save for an occasional tremor. She was the first to stir (possibly incommoded by my superincumbent weight) and dazedly turned her face towards me, as much as her position allowed. I tenderly kissed her on the cheek and she colored furiously.

Clasping close to me I whispered: "You have been a good girl this time, Elin, a very good girl! Did I hurt you?"

She whispered a reply, seemingly without forethought: "Not much!"

Instantly, she seemed appalled by her own admission and would say nothing more. I suppose that she feared that any such confession would encourage me to even greater exertions in the ravaging of her bound body.

"Did you like it, then?" I enquired with some slight malice. For answer she hid her face against the leather upholstery, but I feel her body thrill!

After a brief silence, my captive moved uneasily under me, raised her head, and murmured: "Let me get up now!"

"`Let me up' -- who?" I teased.

She grimaced, took a draft of air, and with a strangled voice said, "Let me up -- Master."

"Very well," I replied. Unclasping my arms from around her, I slowly withdrew my stout tool. Immediately, I went to where there was a prepared basin of water and a clean rag with which to tidy up. My hygiene restored, I performed the same courtesy for Elin.

"Will you untie me?" she afterwards asked.

"Not quite yet," I replied. "Have you forgotten that before, when I gave you the choice of either gair or teur, you said nothing but remained obdurate and insulting? I could assume nothing from your behavior except that you apparently would welcome each act indifferently well. You are a demanding guest, and so, after entertaining you with gair I am bound by the customs of courteous hospitality to acquaint you also with the taste of twyll."

She reacted as if struck. "You bastard! I'll bite your thing off and spit it out!"

"I think not," I said.

I went to my cupboard and, mindful of her angry threat, took out a "teur-gag," a device that holds a woman's mouth open while admitting a twill into it. The sly minx recognized the restraint for what it was (probably from having inflicted it on numerous slaves and harlots) and cursed at me mightily. The railing ceased and she shut her jaws tightly when I brought the teur-gag up close.

"Don't be so foolish, Elin. You must yield to your fate. If you will not open your mouth and accept the gag, I will simply switch your alluring bottom until your change your mind."

She did not respond, and so I took up the switch again to give her another go of it. When the first stinging rebuke won no submission from her, I dealt out a second. By the third, her obduracy was overcome and she cried, " Don't! I'll yield! Stop!"

"Excuse me," I remarked in imperious tone, "but it is not the prerogative of the captive to decide how many blows she must endure in consequence of her misbehavior. As an object lesson, I will give you a full ten before I cease. Be warned, one more protest or any attempt to bargain for less punishment will earn you an additional five."

So Elin took her ten additional strokes on her lovely bottom, saying nothing though the room rang with her strangled yells. These forced ejaculations I accepted as natural and did not use them as an excuse for more switching. In fact, I would have been very disappointed had Elin taken her punishment with sullen stoicism.

When I again put the switch aside and took up the teur-gag, Elin made no more protest and accepted it between her teeth.

It is not a pretty device and I much prefer teur without it. Some few devices of bondage, such as a collar, will enhance a woman's beauty. I also enjoy looking at a girl in scandalously brief silks more than at one who is boldly nude. For the most part, though, I do not like slavers' hardware on a beautiful woman. Nonetheless, at this stage of Elin's training, the teur-gag was indispensable.

While wearing the device, Elin could not bite. Also, a path of easy access for my eager scepter was provided. I stood before her with the switch in my hand, saying, "Now, my proud beauty, you shall receive your first lesson in slave-kissing. First, extend your tongue as far as possible and lick my dagger and scrip as I present them to you."

I nudged closer. When she demurred from accepting my offering, I snapped her a smart one upon the derriere. She, though gagged, uttered a strangled grunt. When she had regained her breath, she tentatively pushed her tongue out through the ring like a small rodent. I once more presented my pride-and-glory for her to lick.

Again, I had to remind myself that this bound girl was Elin, my base rival. That knowledge made this act of teur ten times as sweet. Slave kissing is a sexual act so servile that most cities forbid it by law to free women. Requiring teur of a raw slave is a widely recommended way to impress upon her to the humbleness of her new status. I was eager to learn if performing teur would change Elin's haughty nature.

Her tongue touched me and I felt the luscious contact in every fiber of my being. If there is a paradise, no doubt the houris of heaven willing give teur on demand. I let her lick and tickle me for about five minutes, giving her a small flick of the switch only once when she slackened.

At length, I placed the orb of my scepter just inside the steel circlet of the gag, affording Elin greater access to it. "Run your tongue all over your master's gift," I directed.

She complied.

"Ahh, yes. I do not need to tell you how it feels," I whispered hoarsely. Despite my determination to hold back, my control began to slip. I broke off and stepped back, lest I spend prematurely and leave even my enhanced sexual capacity regrettably diminished.

"There," I said with a pant, "you have tasted a man." Once I felt a little more in control, I took my twyll between my fingers and once more pushed it through the gag ring. This time I delved more deeply than before, taking care only that I did not render my unwilling partner unable to breathe. As I entered, Elin made a throaty sound of dismay, but my progress immediately reduced her to silence, except for raspy breathing sounds.

"Indescribable," I muttered, savoring the sensation. "I will now jog back and forth. While I do so, do shall your best to lick and suck me." When she did not act upon my pleasure at once, I gave her another switch-kiss. This wrested a grunt from her, and a better performance followed immediately after. "Excellent, Elin," I said in appreciation. "You know what wanton girls do, and that is all I expect from you." Then I added, "My word, if Gwanc had sold you into a pleasure house, I don't think its lash lords would have any trouble at all training you for the work! Just think, you could have already been well versed in the harlot's art and even now be slave-kissing some randy stranger off the street."

This pleasant thought caused my sexual control to slip yet again, and I drew back. I wanted Elin to taste byth, but not yet. To give myself something to do while I calmed down, I cleaned Elin's chin of slaver with a fresh rag. That service performed, I started to unbind her.

This move of mine seemed to surprise her. She may have thought that we were finished with teur, but this was not the case. Once unstrapped, I compelled her to lie back supine on the bench in which position I subsequently rebound her. I then fixed her head in place, so that she could not move it from side to side. I did not take away the gag, as I still needed it.

Then I assumed a new position, one that poised the pride and joy of my body over Elin's open mouth.

"It would be a great shame if we released a raw girl from the Comfortium without having her experience the taste of male balm," I said. "I intend to present balm to your open mouth and you must swallow all that you receive. If you spit it out I will consider myself insulted and will not hesitate to punish you with the switch. If that is understood, we shall proceed."

Her eyes were wild and the strangest sounds came from her, but could guess what the gagged girl was on about. I was much more concerned with bringing off a successful masturbatory act. In fact, the circumstances had me so excited that I did not have to work hard and, in a minute's time, I came.

I took care that as much of the available balm as possible would be received by Elin. I gave her enough to educate her, but not so much that I would be left with an insufficient supply for later lessons.

"Remember, Elin," I reminded her breathlessly, "do not spit or you shall be punished."

She didn't spit, which, anyway, would have been very hard to do in a teur-gag. But she didn't seem to be swallowing anything either.

As a remedy, I fetched the flask of wine and started to dribble it into her mouth. Soon her mouth was irritated and forced into a swallowing action. I repeated the process and she swallowed again and again. By her third shallow I was confident that virtually all of my balm was swimming about inside her exquisite tummy.

Her first teur experience now behind her, I unstrapped Elin, in earnest this time, but warned her, "You must continue to forbear from spitting. Wash you mouth with the wine I shall give you and swallow it all. Do that and I will deem that you are a girl who is courteous to her master and worthy of reward."

I first removed the gag and cleaned her face. She conscientiously didn't spit in the process and when she sat up I gave her a sip of wine. I was so pleased with this show of lady-like compliance that I drew her close and kissed her cheek, as if she were a child with whom I was utterly delighted.

"Are -- are we finished yet?" she stammered.

"Far from it. But your submissiveness has earned you better treatment. Go to that alcove, my lady. There is a basin all ready for your use. I will have to clean myself up also."

In privacy, I tidied and then, beaming with satisfaction, went back into the main room, to await Elin's reappearance.


Presently Elin emerged, looking somewhat more freshened. I noted, though, that she had wasted the opportunity to put her hair in order, it having become considerably disarranged by her recent struggling. The skin about her slave marking, on the other hand, looked somewhat reddened, as if she had tried to scrub it off with soap, water, and a washcloth, all to no avail. I drank in the totality of her beauty as she stood there. I noted something wicked and wanton in her appearance just then and it made her unbearably attractive.

A man is instinctively moved to do little things for a beautiful woman, and so I poured Elin's goblet full of siolat and presented it to her. She took it and drank avidly. I smiled, knowing that sex often inspires intense thirst. When she had drained the vessel fully, I slipped into the nearby chair and, by means of an arm around her waist, drew her down on my lap. I placed her right arm around my neck and, clutching her about the waist, I proceeded to kiss her wine-sweetened lips. She made no resistance, but offered no encouragement.

I sat there in silence for a minute, gently stroking her breasts while trying to read her frame of mind. I did not doubt that she had tasted much more pleasure than she was willing to admit. Accordingly, I asked, "Wouldn't you like to have that first part all over again -- the gairing?"

I felt her quiver, not in horror, but certainly not in enthusiasm. Finally she mumbled, "Do I need so much punishment?"

I smiled at the coy tone she had instinctively used. "If you really thought it was punishment," I replied, "you would still be distressed -- not struggling to suppress a grin. I can tell that you're only pretending, you wicked little minx. From the start you have been my sly little partner in all we have done." I watched her face as I declared this and, to my satisfaction, saw surprise there, but not denial. It was a couple seconds before she remembered to frown, and this false, belated frown I chose to ignore. "If my body has pleased you so much thus far, it stands ready to please you again. Your beauty and magnetism are an aphrodisiac no normal man can resist."

Elin blushed, a reaction that I would not have expected but an hour earlier. I smiled again, considering that although the aphrodisiac I spoke of had been only figurative, hers had been very real. I was sure that her present demureness came from the influence of the passion nectar I had tricked her into consuming.

What a marvelous situation! Elin, my rival, had not only become a beautiful female, but was also fired up with a love philter. I wished to make her lose her male inhibitions absolutely and, to this end, I lowered my right hand to gently toy with her peren!

Elin endured this lascivious attention with closed eyes and an open mouth for a moment, before shifting to place my face between her fingertips and kiss me on the mouth! I was absolutely nonplussed. Never before had any kiss of ours been at her instigation. She was evidently hot with lust and I was eager to give her the chance to act on it.

"Let me arrange us both properly," I said. "Come, we'll sit in front of the mirror and look at ourselves! It shall arouse us both, I'm sure. However, you must not use your arms, no matter how I choose to touch you, but just let them hang loose. As a girl you must learn to cultivate passivity. A man orders, a woman obeys. A girl who is too bold oftentimes gets her bottom switched. Your garments, your makeup, your walk, your glance, are useful in attracting a man's attention. But you must express submissiveness while making love."

Elin reddened, but her very silence was in itself telling.

So I moved the armchair in front of the mirror and too a seat. I then made Elin climb upon my lap, her bottom over my scepter. Then, passing my left arm around her waist, I maintained her in place firmly. To add further refinement to our position, I whispered that she should part her legs. When she did so, I put one knee between them. In the position she thus attained she could not thwart any erotic advance I deigned to make.

I glance at the mirror to admire Elin's three-quarter profile. Her peren, with its small but glorious thick patch of silky hair, was displayed! Her arms were hanging slackly at her sides. I was confident that the passion nectar was working on her, that even now she was aching for robust sex. The only question was, how much stubborn pride did Elin still retain. Would it stand in our way? Only by trying her temper would I find out.

We continued gazing at our reflections until our eyes met in the glass! "Look at yourself, my pet," I said. "Were you ever with a lovelier girl? I never have been. You drive me almost mad with yearning. Can you imagine that any man who saw you naked and collared, with a vaec mark on your hip, would not want to carry you off to the silks?"

She did not answer, of course, and her expression was unreadable. After a short reflection, I said, "My lovely, I cannot go on calling you 'Elin' when you are the feminine fulfillment of all my dreams. I should give you a new name and you shall hereafter use it whenever we play our love games. Is there any girl's name that you would fancy answering to?"

"No, there isn't!" she exclaimed, her tone surprisingly sharp. How odd that one who had already submitted to so many scandalous acts would still resist assuming a female name. Perhaps she feared that if she accepted a girl's name, she would have no choice but to think of herself in a new way.

"I insist that you have a new name," I told her. "If you will not choose one, I will choose one for you." When she remained unresponsive, I forged ahead: "Very well then, I think I heard your mother say that if you had been born a girl, she would have named you Elene. That is only appropriate, in as much as you have truly become your mother's daughter. After all, had Nature made you female from birth, it would have been the name you were known by all along. In fact, if you were a mere slip of a girl, I think we never would have had cause to quarrel. As two men were always friendly rivals butting horns."

She frowned again, but I had a purpose in suggesting this. Elin had been holding back from whole-hearted love-play, but I believe that if she could slip into a purely female role she would react differently. Also, I expected that she had oftentimes imagined herself as a girl bearing a girl's name. She might have even imagined herself wearing slave garments and slave face. Serum girls often have such masturbatory daydreams, or so slavers allege.

Now that I was no longer keeping company with Elin, the prideful soldier, but with his sassy, long-legged, full-bosomed sister Elene -- a natural slave whose blood was currently charged with passion nectar -- I anticipated a pleasurable experience in the course of our love play.

Chapter 9

I drew her in. "Press your cheek against mine and watch yourself in the glass, Elene," I whispered. Then I placed my right hand on her flat belly and let it glide down, toward her peren!

She gave a tiny lurch and looked back with a look of annoyance at the name that I'd seen fit to bestow. "Are you ready, pretty Elene?" I asked. She wriggled a little, swallowed her indignation, and settled down on my lap.

As I touched her, what a shiver passed through my fair prisoner! "Ah!" she murmured, moving deliciously. As I continued, I soon had her jogging back and forth, as if carried away by the stimulation!

Presently Elene's breasts stiffened; her nostrils dilated, and she seemed to be going into transport. I accelerated the movements of my finger!

Oh! .. . Oh! . . Oh!" she ejaculated - and then spent in ecstasy! Her back arched and her bare shoulders pressed back against me. I leaned forward and nuzzled her swan neck, which caused her to moan, as if liking it.

I did not remove my finger, but kept it where it was, against her botymu, slightly agitating it to accentuate her transports. As soon as her orgasm had exhausted itself, I recommenced the action and she acknowledged my efforts with another moan of pleasure.

It was then that a new idea flashed through my brain: Why should I not share in her raptures? Carefully I watched for an opportunity. When she was at the crest of a new peak of lust, her movements released my twyll from its confinement under her cheeks and it promptly sprang up, stark and stiff. Quick as thought, I gripped Elene, positioned her just right, and rammed myself fiercely into her bottom!

"Ahhh!" the girl cried, as once more she knew the indescribable pleasure of gair. Elene strove to rise and dislodge me, but I held her in place, my finger playing teasingly with her peren! Her protests soon transmogrified into pleasurable moans.

I wondered, was this sweet, vivacious wench in any way surprised to be enjoying gair again? Part of my plan was to make her realize that the lessons of love might be repeated endlessly and that the pleasure they afforded she might savor again and again. Excited by this fantasy, I gasped, "Kiss me!"

Elene turned the upper part of her body around, fire in her eyes, and pressed her lips to mine. This enthusiasm was unexpected, but totally welcome. Our tongues met and my left hand caught hold of one of her breasts, to squeeze it as something coveted. Elene spent frantically, bedewing my finger with a fine virginal distillation! I was not a taker only, but at the same moment filled her with my boiling essence. How Elene spasmed! How I discharged into her!

After the cresting of sexual excitement, there came quiescence! Elene, limp and nerveless, but still impaled on my staff, rested back against my chest. My finger, yet reposed in her peren, luxuriating in its warm folds, well lubricated with love oil! In this way we rested.

I was the first to come to myself. The mirror reflected our utter dishabille. I resembled a carousing rake, while Elene seemed to be naught but a shameless and well-used pleasure slave.

As she dreamily opened her eyes, her glance fell on the glass also. She started at the sight of her sweat-streaked face, her cheeks and brow being pasted with strands of perspiration-soaked hair. She saw the lewd position she occupied and became wide-awake. Flushing red, she hid her visage in her hands, murmuring brokenly: "Oh! You damnable rogue!"

Though she still talked like a man, in every other way she came across as an undone girl. Now that her sexual delirium had subsided, she was dismayed at having my bullhorn still impaling her. How like a woman to enjoy her selfish pleasure, but to look down on the man and the means that had helped her to attain it!

Foreseeing an attempt to spring away, I kept a good hold to prevent my prize from eluding my conquering spear. "What's the matter, Elene?" I asked soothingly.

"Let me go, you degenerate!" she barked. She was in such evident distress that I deemed it best to comply. Finally freed from the love's impalement, she hurried off to the washroom.

Following her example, I repaired to my own alcove. I performed my ablutions without wasting time and came back into the main room to await Elene's return.

During this interlude, I debated with myself the course our further recreation. By means of a little physical discipline and the confident display of masculine will, I had conquered Elene's obstinacy and had her obeying my most salacious commands. Far from hating what she had to do, the wench had repeatedly lost control of herself. If anything, I was not sure that I liked having her so submissive so soon.

Does this sound strange? I don't believe it should. Is it not the effort put into taming a female that gives her sexual conqueror the most excitement? Once a girl became a spiritless and passive creature, a man is practically flogging a dead horse! To excite a man, a woman must either fight him doggedly all the way, or display an unbounded, rapturous joy whenever he takes her. The first attitude is what makes stubborn virgins such cherished partners; the second is the powerful allure that is the practiced silk slave's stock in trade.

As much as I regretted it, this day of high adventure was all too quickly ebbing toward it's close. I didn't want it to end until I had done something more to incite my captive's to furious resistance one last time.

This final act of rakish imposition was, of course, her true and actual brolling, the ravishing of her ymylu and the christening of her still-unsullied saer with living male balm!

I would devote the rest of the afternoon to brolling Elene!

Hardly had I arrived at this momentous decision when my guest emerged from her alcove, having cleaned up admirably. How stunning she looked in her shame-faced apprehension.

"Elene, come stand before your master!"

Obediently, the girl with the body of a carefully bred pleasure slave stepped up close. Perhaps she knew from her own past experience as a warrior that submission was the only wise course open to sword-captives. I passed my arm around her waist, drew her face to mind, and kissed her. Immediately afterwards, I led her to the wine table and served her a small goblet of siolat. While she compliantly sipped it, I gently suggested that we must lie down together on the couch for a little rest. This request brought forth no defiance and, with my hand on the small of her back, I led her to the cushions. In a nonce, my guest, though still wary, was cozily held in my encircling arms.

For a minute or two we reposed quietly. Then the physical contact of our naked bodies began to have its inevitable result on me -- and I think also on her! Stroking her thigh, I murmured: "Now, Elene, darling, I think the time has come for you to surrender to me your ymylu. One my balm has filled you, you shall truly be my possession!" And then I kissed with passion even greater than before.

She moved uneasily in my embrace, but remained silent.

I touched her shoulders and made as if to press her supine, whispering: "Open your legs, dear!"

"No! No! Hoel!" Elene ejaculated, her spirit resurging. With gnashing teeth, she struggled to escape me and successfully resisted my attempts to pin her shoulders to the pillows. "Let me go! You've had enough!"

Nonetheless, I held her down firmly and, in spite of her determined struggle, got her on her back and placed my weight atop her. To my exasperation, she was keeping her legs so obstinately closed that I could not get my knee between them! I began to grow annoyed and looked sternly into her eyes.

"Now, Elene, no more nonsense," I said brusquely. "I'm going to brol you! What else can a girl expect when she comes alone into a male friend's home? Yield yourself at once -- or else I shall tie you down on this couch and initiate you to the ways of love in a manner that you won't like! Now once and for all, are you going to be my tame little passion flower?"

"Hoel! .. . Hoel…!" she murmured brokenly, and then trailed off.

"You disappoint me, Elene. I can only surmise that you prefer to be ravished like a kidnapped wench rather than be smartly ridden as the joyful pride of my stable! Very well!" At that I made as if preparing to tie her down. But she caught my hand and looked at me as if in earnest petition. Patiently, I paused and waited for her to unburden herself.

When she seemed to have nothing to say in actuality, I exclaimed in exasperation: "Upon my word, I don't understand you, Elene! You have known all along that I've gone to great expense to bring about your deflowering. Furthermore, you have solemnly pledged to conform to all my demands, whatsoever they might be. Now, when the time has arrived for the supreme act of homage to your beauty, you seem to suppose that your surrender to it is optional!"

"You've brolled me enough . . ." she stammered...

A harder man might have struck her for stating things in such a wickedly false way, but I did not feel unkind. "I have not brolled you at all, not in any proper sense of the word. I want your true virginity, Elene! I, of course, mean the virginity of your peren. I want to place my seed where Nature intended nubile girls such as yourself to receive it. Must I switch you again? Don't be foolish! You know will ultimately have to give in. Why not capitulate at once and spare yourself the indignity?"

Elene moaned: "Oh, by the gods!" Then she was silent for a few seconds, her face in quandary! Then her eyes again filled with defiance. "If you have to do it, do it. Just don't be a brutal bastard about it!"

I smiled. This was a sort of fatalistic defiance that I could live with. "How you wrong me, little slave. Have I been brutal so far?"

"Yes!" she declared vehemently. I again smiled. Her renewed vituperation delighted me to no end.

"More brutal than a gentleman such as yourself use to be when he took a captive girl in hand?"

She glanced away.

"You were not wrong to treat girls so," I reassured her. "It gives a woman great pleasure to be overwhelmed masculine strength. Any normal woman would want to have her purity washed away in a torrent of forceful lovemaking. As a present member of the female sex, you will soon know for a fact that this is the case. When we finish, you will come away with a golden memory of christening that you will cherish forever."

When it became clear Elene had nothing to say in reply, I took her into my arms. Her ripe bosom was flush against my chest. I passionately kissed her mouth again and again, until she gasped for breath. Then I transferred my kisses to her heaving breasts, only to follow this with the same tribute paid to her peren. I kissed the latter over and over, interspersing my kisses with delicate lingual caresses! How she jumped when I tickled her botymu too enthusiastically. In this way I succeeded in soothing her agitation and preparing her psychologically for brolling.


Thus, at last, Elene and I found ourselves together on the Couch of Love! She seemed ill at ease, dreading being initiated into the mysteries of Sopen? My reader will believe me if I say that I was overjoyed at the prospect of ravishing Elene! For a few moments we lay in silence, side by side, my left hand clasping her right wrist. My patience helped her regain her composure.

Now that my intended sexual partner had grown calmer, I slipped my arms round her and, turning toward her, I drew her to me. Then I kissed her lips again, ardently.

At that moment I was inspired. I reasoned that I might get a more intense sexual response from my reluctant partner if I could but get her involved in a shared erotic fantasy. "My little slave…. My wee slave!" I whispered -- noting the look in her eyes when I used the term "slave." I was sure that she was having a fantasy of her own just then, and not for the first time. The secret dream that she shared with most serum girls was about to become a reality.

"May I explore my sweet slave's charms?" I inquired, keeping my right hand on Elene's breasts. When she demurred me an answer, I began feeling her all over, as if she was, indeed, nothing more than a pleasure slave hired for the hour. Despite all the strain she was under, Elene suddenly smiled nervously!

"Oh! What little beauties!" I murmured, having placed my hands upon her luscious bosom. Then I transferred my touch to the dyed slave mark that looked so charming on her left hip. With my hand warming it, I asked: "Does my pretty slave yield all?"

Surely the passion nectar was raging in her blood, for she unexpectedly laughed (poor girl, her first laugh in that chamber that day!) and nodded. I placed a forefinger under her chin and raised her lips to receive my masterful kisses. As we pressed our mouths together, my hand stole waggishly to her peren!

"Oh! My precious! Oh! My treasure, my slave!" I sighed while playing with her intimacies. As I made love to her, Elene more and more abandoned herself to the sensations of the moment, murmuring, "Ah!" and "Oh!"

After a few minutes of this most pleasant occupation, I said, "Pardon me, my delightful slave," and then I gingerly inserted my finger into Elene's peren, as if I were a slaver assessing her virginal condition. Elene mewed lightly, while opening her thighs ever so slightly to allow my digit freer access. My tongue took advantage of her open mouth, to dart inside in search of her tongue. I touched it and -- after a lurch of surprise -- she resigned herself to being dove-kissed!

"Oh, my lovely, wanton silk girl! My sweet slave, my virgin prize!" I murmured, as if enchanted to find her maidenly membrane yet unspoiled. "What a love temple you have -- so soft, so full! Surely you were born to wear the collar and lie in the arms of an appreciating lover, to be no more than a helpless, ignited, and endlessly orgasming passion slave."

I distinctly felt her shiver of pleasure when I said this!

Encouraged, I agitated my finger inside her peren. I saw that I was exciting her with this manipulation, no less than before. An experienced woman might convincingly pretend to pleasure that she wasn't feeling, or hide it when it filled every fiber of her being wished to cry out in joy, but Elene was reacting as a man -- that is, with openness and honesty. With her nothing was concealed, nothing was feigned.

"Little slave," I whispered, "let me drive you into slave orgasm."

Elene shivered again and closed her lids. I could hardly tell whether this was to shut out the reality of her predicament, or to better anticipate and savor her fast-approaching defloration! What I can say with certainty is that Elene now spent blissfully.

I waited till her sexual spasms had subsided, and then whispered, "Oh, you lascivious little slave! How you love having things male between your peren lips. Are your ready for something even larger?" She opened her eyes; they met mine, and then she burst out laughing, not with mockery but with shared enjoyment.

Oh, triumph! I could again imagine that I was lying with a joy-house girl, one as common as dirt, except for her sublime beauty, a joy-house girl eager to give her customer his money's worth. As before, such thinking caused my already erect twyll to swell painfully. I could not go on for much longer without giving it relief. That is the curse of an enhanced male, but as long as beautiful women are to be had, I am content to bear it.

In truth, though, I was becoming so consumed by lust that I could hardly keep my balm from making escape. I wished that I could command Elene to slave kiss me and find release in her silken mouth, but I didn't trust such a raw girl not to bite and gnaw. Denied the satisfaction of teur, I was therefore determined to waste no more time. I seized her by the arms, drew her to me, and showered kisses on her face. Then, with an abrupt movement, I rolled her over onto her back and slipped atop her.

She reacted with startlement, perhaps not being quite ready to face the ultimate sacrifice. In an effort to thwart my intentions, she instinctively separated her legs, the better to push me back. Poor girl; she had made the classic mistake. As quick as a goat, I agilely slipped between them! We were now in the best position for intercourse. I heard her gasp as she, too, realized this.

O, ecstasy! I was in the saddle of a thoroughbred filly, ready to dig in my spurs! I could not have my spirited mount at better advantage. She bucked desperately to dislodge me, but to no avail.

"It is time now, my lovely. I shall deprive you of your maidenhood and make my balm a gift to you."

I shifted my position slightly and I got my excited twyll up against the lips of her peren. Her large eyes were orbs of apprehension and her mouth made a great O as I inexorably entered her. Elene gritted her teeth as I, dauntless, bore down with a slow but steady pressure, burying the head of my scepter in the place made for it!

Despite her determined struggles, I inched myself every so slightly deeper, until I felt the maiden's last rampart!

"Ouch, you bastard!" Elene exclaimed as she recognized that her position was hopeless.

I drew in a breath and readied myself. Exhaling with a burst, I rammed my hips with one supreme effort! I felt Elene's ymylu give way, felt my sword of flesh glide far up her love channel. It did not require the high-pitched yell that now rang in my ears to tell me that I had overwhelmed all resistance! Elene was virgin no more.

My vengeance was complete. A pretty girl, once a male rival, lay beneath me, tightly clasped in my arms, a prey to the keenest shame, knowing herself deprived of her virginal seal, transfixed with my scepter, her martyred saer compelled to accommodate a large and forward guest! I lay still for some seconds, so as to allow her to steel herself against the sacking that would follow the breech. But I was too overwrought to remain inactive for long.

With a final thrust, I sent my twyll well home; Elene's pelt and mine were flush. She shrieked, not with pain, I'm sure, but with a cocktail of pleasure, anger, pain, grief, and joy.

I let her quiet down, still supporting my superincumbent weight. Then I resumed her sexual education by means of steady back-and-forth strokes. Her incoherent mouthings filled my ears, but I was sure that my efforts were arousing her. She had never felt such a sensation from the woman's viewpoint before and she seemed overwhelmed by it. With even more rapid thrusts, I at last forced a reaction from her. Elene's contrary struggles subsided and she unconsciously fell into a harmonious movement to accommodate mine. Her hips and bottom moved in concert with me, meeting each of my downward thrusts with an upward hip motion to the penetration!

This brolling was good for me, and I knew it felt good to her, also. A man delights in initiating an inexperience girl, but he wants to be rewarded with some expression of appreciation for his efforts. I got this from Elene and her responses were especially gratifying because, as I have said, she did not know how to feign pleasure in sex. What she expressed was what she felt.

Nonetheless, I was by no means done with my lovely captive. I was determined that she should experience a true slut orgasm in the very act of brolling. I wanted there to be no other girl in the world who wiser in the ways of recreational lovemaking than my lovely Elene.

Chapter 10

Elene lay beneath me, her flesh communicating its feverish heat directly into mine. My twyll was lodged in her peren and it must have been the feel of it that made her bosom heave with lust.

I brought my lovemaking to life again -- thrusting, ramming, and with various motions working my weapon within her. She gave a half-strangled "Oh-oh! Oh!" Unable to hold back, I spent inside her, and simultaneously felt the warm gush of Elene's reciprocal orgasm.

I managed to remain master of myself, but Elene, carried away, swooned in my arms. I adoringly beheld her shut-eyed expression for a moment, and then placed kisses on her upturned face to revive her. When she came to and found my love lance still residing deep inside her saer, she made an incoherent protest and lurched to escape it. But I would have none of this and whispered: "Not yet, Elene! Not yet! Once more! You'll enjoy it even better this time."

I set to work brolling her anew, with longer, more deliberate strokes, determined to make her feel the sensation of melted butter that so many of my lovers have described.

It was not long before I sensed a response. "No, no," she cried beneath me. "Not again, oh, not again. Let me go! Stop!"

"Foolish girl. Why this fuss now?"

"It -- it feels strange."

"Bolling is the most natural thing a girl can experience," I told her. "It's just new to you." Being in no mood for an extended conversation, I resumed what I was about. When she protested again, I only shook my head and silenced her with large, wet kisses! Elene resigned herself and, whether she realized it or not, she became my cooperating partner. How far we had come in a few hours. Yet, from the moment that I had first bound and stripped her, Elene's resistance had never seemed much more than perfunctory. I wondered, and not for the first time, whether most of it had not been feigned and whether we were not now doing what she had wanted to do in her dreams for a very long time.

In order to control her slight struggles, I had, up to now, placed my arms in a position to pinion hers. Due to her present willingness to cooperate, I took a risk and set her arms free. In the act of moving my hand to her waist I whispered: "Hug me tightly, Elene, you'll be more comfy!" She complied. "That's much better, isn't it?" I murmured. She looked up, grimaced with watery eyes, and nodded affirmatively. I inwardly laughed. Was this the Elin I knew, or was it only the passion nectar talking?

Pleased, I kissed her on the lips. "Now just lie quietly and enjoy yourself." Now I regaled her with a series of slow and steady thrusts. Elene's breasts were palpitating deliciously. I wished to prolong to our intercourse and not release Elene until she had had every opportunity to experience being a girl in helpless erotic surrender to a man. She had come to me with a male's knowledge of sex, but being a wench in the act of copulation was new to her. I was determined to give this dark-haired young lady a very vivid memory to take home with her.

I continued to brol her steadily, her tearing eyes keeping me well informed of the intensity what she was feeling. Presently, she began to jog herself upwards, seeking more of what she could get from a man, her breath came in a staccato of short gasps. Suddenly Elene's eyes turned upwards and a new orgasm shuddered through her body. She simply couldn't hold herself back!

I stopped my courtship for just a moment and the diminishment of the internal friction caused her to open her eyes after a few seconds. Her cheeks flushed remarkably as our glances met and this inspired me to smile. I then kissed her lips tenderly and whispered: "Do you truly like brolling with a man so much?"

She nodded and -- to my even greater surprise -- smiled. If I had ever desired to bring Elin along to full ripeness, I had succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. I resumed my carnal worship with inexpressible elation and very soon compelled the wicked lass to once again spend! I do not exaggerate the pleasure she afforded me. What a stable slave the wench Elene might have made!

I clasped her closely, and murmured: "Now, my lovely, let yourself go!" At that I began riding her vigorously to the finish line! Elene abandoned herself and seemed to be so carried away that I could hardly hold on to her. How many times she spent and how many times did my balm do her honor as spasm after spasm convulsed both her and me?

Suddenly the naughty girl cried: "Now! Now, let me have it! Let me have it all!" I immediately responded, pouring my last reserves into what had become a very willing vessel. "Ah! Ah! ..." she cried in transport. Her head pivoted back, her eyes closed, her lips opened, and she orgasmed so powerfully that I feared that her heart would stop!

At last, having given all she had to give, Elene seemed stupified!

I welcomed the opportunity to desist. Medically enhanced though I was, I had reached my limits also. After a moment's rest, I tried to bring my companion around by kisses and endearments, but the drowsing beauty seemed not to hear me. I drew my twyll from her depths then, all bloodstained. A meticulous host, I got up and first saw first to Elene's needs, staunching with a washcloth the scarlet evidence of her vanquished virginity. Then I saw to my own tidiness. That being done, I then sprinkled the undone girl's face with cold water. She soon came around and I assisted her to walk to her alcove. I settled her therein and went to fetch her a goblet of siolat and place it into her unsteady hands.

I returned to the beverage table thereupon to slack my own thirst. Elene soon emerged from behind the curtain, whereupon she paused, casting her eyes my way, her expression a mirror of uncertainty. How lovely she looked, meek but somehow wanton, too -- like a girl captive taken from the farm to the excitement of the war camp. This was a moment of a lifetime, one to savor.

I stepped up to her, placed my left hand on her precious, teardrop-shaped bottom, and with the other hand touched her flat little belly. Her dewy eyes regarded my face. I smiled, saying, "Strange to think that in nine short months this day might result in a miracle -- a new generation of your noble family in loving union with mine."

Elene gasped. I dare say that this was the first time that she had ever realized the risks of being an unchaste woman. Pregnancy and motherhood might well become a reality for her. I grinned inwardly, pleased to be able to fret her with such knowledge.

"You can't be surprised, lovely one," I remarked. "The love goddess did not provide you with these lovely objects -- (at this juncture I touched her bosom) -- to dazzle the eye of a lover only." How pale she grew.

Down deep, I hoped that Elene was not actually in gestation. An out-of-wedlock child might embroil me in a course of events that I would find inconvenient. Still, it amused me to think that Elene would be touching her stomach frequently for the next few weeks, wondering what her fate would be. Inducing an apprehension of pregnancy is a psychological trick that slave trainers frequently use to reorient a still-defiant serum girl to female-pattern thinking. Ruk-maidens who think like girls make much better slaves.

"May I dress now?" she abruptly inquired, sensing that our session was at an end. This request to leave somewhat disappointed me, but no her anxiety had placed a damper on any thought of further ardor. Besides, the afternoon was late. There was just time left for us to catch a palanquin or sedan chair to take her home. Elene's -- that is, Elin's -- return at a decent hour would spare her from awkward questioning. If she intended to inform on me (despite the relatively kind treatment I had afforded her), it would have to be because she had made that choice deliberately and would not be forced to breach our confidences because of suspicious, interrogating kinsmen.

So I replied: "Yes, dear, if you like. Shall I bring your clothes here?"

She nodded. I enjoyed the way her present mildness contrasted with the assertiveness and boldness she had too often displayed up to now.

"First we must remove your collar and slave mark," I said. In a nonce I had the neckband unlocked and set aside. Additionally, I took a vial of strong spirits and a wool swab to dab away the stenciled stain on her thigh. The erasure was so clean that the sharpest eye could not have detected any trace of it.

"W-What sort of stain did you use?" the girl suddenly asked.

"The juice of a new-fallen ceuen nut. Why do you want to know?"

When she made no reply, I stepped away to collect her garments. Then, having passed them over to her, I went to pour myself a bumper of siolat, savored its tang all the way down.

In about five minutes Elin reappeared, dressed as she been when she'd arrived. Yet I thought I saw something subtly different about her, though the garb was the same. She looked like a girl dressed like a boy, much less androgynous than before, but it was hard to perceive why. It was probably no more than a slight alteration in her body language. Or maybe it was my memory of her in nude allure.

I threw open the door to the Comfortium and allowed my lovely guest to be freed from my absolute power. Once in the main room, Elin cast a long glance backwards at the dangling bonds that had held her so securely. I thought she shivered, but her features gave no hint of anger or dismay.

It was risky to let her go, I realized. She could report me to the authorities, which could easily prove my guilt. The damning layout and equipment of the Comfortium was something I could not disassemble at all quickly. Murder was out of the question, too. The very thought of doing Elin injury repulsed me. The only distress I wished upon her was another session in the silks, and that soon. Moreover, people knew Elin's habit of calling on me when in town and should she be reported missing, the watch would come directly to my door.

With no other choice, I was electing to be both bold and generous. The odds were that Elin would not want her humiliating indignities to be known even to her own family. Chances were, therefore, that she would keep mum to minimize the damage done to her ego and reputation.

But even if Elin did not involve the law, I knew that I had to be on guard against some type of personal vengeance. The ex-warrior had once been a dangerous man to cross. Unless our session in the Comfortium had tamed her wild spirit more than I might hope, she might very well retaliate upon me in some unpleasant way.

By now we had reached the outside door. The storm had long since blown by. On impulse, instead of opening it, I scooped the girl into my arms and crushed her lips against mine, simultaneously clutching her breasts with one hand and her saucy bottom with the other. I held her thus for a long moment, savoring the siolat scent of her breath and warm of her in my embrace.

At first she tried to push away, but I held on firmly, controlling her just as I had controlled her by main strength inside the love chamber. I wanted Elin to realize that she was a desirable girl everywhere she went, and not just inside the Comfortium. It was inherent in her being. I wanted her to know that the life she had so briefly tasted had been no dream and could be tasted again. In close hug I think this realization dawned on her starkly and resistance gradually went from her, as if she were still a prisoner. I held her thus until the kiss was complete.

When I finally let the lass go she staggered back a couple of steps, her expression the archetype of quandary. Without giving her time to sort out her thoughts, I escorted Elin out into the street. Though she made no attempt to raise a hue and cry against me, she said little in reply to my casual remarks and would not look me in the eye. A short distance along, I saw a palanquin resting at the curb and hailed it. In a nonce, Elin was being borne away home. She stole a fitful glance back at me, but then was gone.

I did not think the lusty heiress would sleep easily this night. What thoughts would course through her stimulated imagination, as she lay alone in the dark? Would she try to pretend that the day had never happened? Would she remember it with a sly smile, or would it be with the grimace of humiliation?

I once supposed that brolling Elin in a slave collar would bring me closure for past injuries. But I had found no closure in making love to Elin. It was like I had only opened up a new chapter in an ongoing saga. Far from putting our former relationship behind me, I wished more than ever to continue in her company. I realized that what I wanted was to make Elin my enthusiastic mistress.

It would only be fair that I should have full and lengthy play with her charms. I had, after all, only one blissful afternoon with her, while as a man Elin had cheated me of many days and nights of love with the mistress that he had seduced away. Elin and I would have to brol a great deal more to even the scales of justice.

I wondered what -- ultimately -- did I seek? I had heard stories of well-seduced serum girls who had knelt before their lovers with wrists crossed for binding. That would be the best possible fate for Elin, as unlikely as it still seemed.

If Elin should consent to become my chattel, I would accept her into my stable. Her slavery would not be mere love play, but something very real. She would have household chores to perform and be punished for slacking. I would have her professionally trained, instructed to walk, talk, dress, and make love as silk slaves do. I was already imagining Elene in brief, alluring pleasure silks, heeling behind me in the busy street. The entire city would know her for my true possession. All men would admire her hip-brand, her fetching dagger-point heels, and her beauty enhanced with brazen slave-face. High and low alike would gnash their teeth in envy and each would wish that he were I in the silks with her.

Only the gods know the future, but I am ever the optimist.

I had by now returned to my own front door. There I paused and looked back with a sigh. My home seemed a melancholy place of a sudden, knowing that Elin's passionate spirit no longer lent it excitement and vibrant life.

It had been a remarkable day, all told. Did I dare to hope that it had been only the first of many such days to come?

Only time would tell.


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