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Tales of Zhor

by Overlord

Tale 3

"From Small beginnings"

Sometimes the genetic material used to prepare an injection of Ruk's serum produces a girl with some small deficiency. Specimen 2930234-J is a good example.

When the scholar Aoah was captured and transformed with the genetics of Specimen 2930234-J, he -- she -- turned out to be extremely repressed and did not like to go to the silks with her master's tavern customers. Because she was small where a woman should not be, the males of the city of Batair but seldom bothered with her. Thus Aoah, now the cup girl Kyna, served much siolat, but little else.

Though this state of affairs pleased Kyna, it very much rankled the taverner. At last he summoned a learned physician.

The medical man told the taverner that he had successfully treated such deficiencies many times before. He prepared an herbal extract and prescribed a cup of it for Kyna each morning and evening.

Kyna had no choice but to obey. Her body's response to the potion was exuberant. She soon had a figure that most of of the other girls envied and her earnings increased many fold. The more she developed, the more often she was taken to the silks.

Happily, the more Kyna experienced the silks, the more she came to crave salicious pleasure. Finally there came the day when a handsome wayfarer brought Kyna to a shattering slave orgasm. When it had passed, Kyna's long-repressed man-hunger had been shocked awake, leaving her a fully ignited slave.

That was years ago and ever since then Kyna has been one of her master's most popular girls, a scholar of love-making, not books. She moves boldly and sassily about the serving room in brief pleasure silks, her wicked eyes slyly assessing the customers. She saucily approaches and makes seductive advances to the man whom she judges most virile. Her reputation has grown as great as her feminine charms and there is no slave in Batair more exciting or more skilled in the wanton arts than is Kyna the Cup Girl.


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