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Serum Girls of Zhor

by Overlord


"Ruk's Serum"

Zhor is an alternate dimension of Earth. Though primitive in weapons of warfare, Zhor is far advanced of Planet Earth in many other sciences, such as medicine. Centuries ago, the Guild of Physicians discovered "the serum of restoration" which allowed Zhorians to remain young and fit for hundreds of years. Nor was it expensive; masters even gave it to slaves to keep them youthful and beautiful, and also allow them to work hard and give pleasure for a very long time.

But more recently, the Guild of Physicians made an important breakthrough in genetic science based on the ancient restoration serum. Now they have discovered the means to use borrowed DNA to alter the human body to make men stronger, taller, and handsome of feature, while ugly women may become slim, radiant of complexion, and infinitely more beautiful in face and form.

Many women have used the new body serum to become great beauties, even though Zhor is a dangerous world and a woman who attracts the eye of a predatory warrior or a professional slaver runs the danger of being abducted for branding. Many who were once rich and free are now humble tavern wenches, the inmates of houses of pleasure, harem girls in private pleasure stables, or work promiscuously as alcove-girls, as Zhorians call their harlots. In was not long before slavers began using the body serum to make any captive woman they choose into a beauty. They have much fine genetic material to draw from, for laboratories at once began archiving DNA cultures based on the blood samples of Zhor's most lovely female slaves.

But one slaver, long ago, did not like that state of affairs. She was Vanora the Proud, of a long line of dealers in women.
She saws that more and more women were becoming slaves to delight Zhorian men. Always it was the men on Zhor who received the pleasure, while it was the woman's lot to be on the receiving end of the girl-whip and the pleasure rack.

Despite her family tradition, Vanora did not want to enslave women, but men. Alas, under the Divine Law of Zhor, handed down from the hidden masters of the world, the Overlords, only females might become chattel slaves. In fact, the Great Language of Zhor has no word to denote a male slave.

But the the shape-altering serum gave Vanora an idea. Being very rich, she was able to engage the brilliant physician Ruk of Gruffin. She told Ruk that she wanted him to design a special variation on the body serum. The standard formula failed to "take" if it was given to a member of the opposite sex. This Vanora wanted changed.
She asked Ruk to alter the serum so that it would make beautiful women of males, women of the type who would bring the highest prices on the auction block. The serum must induce into its subject the biochemical drives of the "natural female slave," those qualities of passion and submission with which Nature has endowed women that they might survive in a world of dominant males. The "serum girl" must be able to bear children, Vanora told Ruk, since for too long had men escaped the consequences of their promiscuity. Also, the change from male to female must be entirely irreversible. Above all, the intensity of the male's sexual drives must be left undiminished by his sex-change. However, the serum must reverse the sexual orientation of a male subject, so that other men would henceforth be the happy targets of the "serum girl's" volcanic lust.
This, Vanora knew, would make serum girls more attractive to men than natural women, for the sex drive of the woman born is considered a tepid thing by the males of Zhor.

Thus a former man with the DNA-inspired drives of a natural slave girl could hardly help being other than a low slut.

And low sluts are exactly the sort of women that the males of Zhor most enjoyed collaring and branding. Vanora's intention was not to create more cleaning girls and kettle thralls, but pleasure slaves.

After a long year of intense research, Ruk succeeded brilliantly. He even discovered that his serum would serve as a cure for the dreaded disease of Selyf-Dygon that affected only men. A change from male to female led to the immediate immunity from the disease, thus saving lives.

Vanora tested the developing formula at every stage, bribing officials to send her war prisoners and condemned criminals for subjects. This was a mercy, for in those days war prisoners were routinely massacred if no ransom was paid, and the penalty for most serious crimes was death.

But once the formula had advanced enough to produce female beauties out of male subjects, Vanora sometimes experimented on men whom had been abducted on her orders, some of them being her personal enemies. It especially pleased her to transform males who had had an insatiable lust for pleasure slaves themselves.
To the slaver-mistress's delight, serum girls responded well to the old methos of female slave-taming. Even so, certain variant techniques were developed early one and ever since then there have been trainers who have specialized in the training of serum girls.

When the first such girls were placed in some of the pleasure houses that Vanora owned, their craving for sex and enthusiasm for slavery made them very popular with customers, desmonstrating that the market would be profitable.

Once she possessed the developed formula, Vanora paid Ruk his promised due. Instead of keeping the serum a trade secret, she distributed it to every slaver's guild on Zhor. Her aim was not mere profit, of course, but social justice as she saw it. In a remarkably short time, Ruk's serum was being duplicated far and wide. Many a former male today, collared and branded, can thank Vanora for the pleasure slavery that she enjoys.
Though some cities tried to ban it, these restrictions were short-lived. Slavers liked it, and the powerful Slavers' Guild on Zhor usually get whatever it wants. It pleased dealers in human chattel to have a new source of thralls while avoiding the prohibitions of the unseen Overlords. Why the Overlords accepted such logic-chopping is unknown. But someone of greater than human wisdom may have had a plan. There is an old story that Ruk had received valuable information from the agents of the Overlords -- or perhaps the Outsiders -- or else he never would have made the crucial breakthrough in the creation of his serum.

Vanora swore that no slave would be trained in her establishment unless she was originally a man of Zhor, and this vow she carried out scrupulously. Before she died centuries later, serum girls were common in all the great cities of Zhor.

Women benefited mightily from Vanora's accomplishment. Once, before Ruk's serum existed, four percent of all free women born could have expected to wear the brand and collar of enslavement. Since that time, the number of free women who have fallen to the slaver has been only two percent. Interestingly, about an equal number males eventually meet the fate of the the Zhorian slave girl in these modern times.
Men, who rule Zhor absolutely could perhaps ban and suppress the serum, but it is popular with the male power structure as a punishment for crime and it allows the profitable enslavement of the many war captives taken each year. Most men do not trouble their minds thinking about the serum, for they are fatalists. They believe that the gods do not will will not happen, and what they will cannot be avoided. Also, Zhorian men are of a heroic stamp and will not fret about a small statistical chance of being transformed. The large majority of men actually benefit from the existence of the serum, for they have a greater number of beautiful slave girls to choose from. Also, it is the nature of Zhorian men to cherish their female family members, and if circumstances reduce the chance of their love ones falling into cruel bondage, they are well pleased.
Interestingly,some men who take the serum voluntarily. Mostly, this is for health reasons. As said, the serum is a cure for Selyf-Dygon., that leprosy-like disease of Zhor which only men are susceptible to.

Some sufferers accept special injections using the genetic matter of ugly women in order to protect them from the attentions of slavers after transformation. But these are a minority, for most men are vain and insist upon beauty if the harsh fate of transformation must be accepted. One's mind can change later if the initial decision is wrong; a new injection can give the subject either a more or less beautiful shape. Almost always, voluntary serum girls choose greater beauty.

There are many stories about Selyf-Dygon sufferers, such as a noble of great wealth named Bran who chose to become a woman of prim, aristocratic beauty. Alas, the yearnings that the serum introduced induced caused the noble to engage in dangerous sexual adventures, one of which bought about her capture and branding.
She is now the girl Weena, the slave of a virile master. Perhaps shi is not unhappy, for her needs, though very great, are well satisfied by her master, and also by her master's guests.

Though much more could be said about serum girls, the men of Zhor are, in fact, not much interested in such females, except for the beauty and pleasure that they bring to the world.


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