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Wife Swappers

The Girl Who Once Went and Then Often Came

A Limerick of Zhor

By Overlord

Penkur's lancer troop was transformed
In a prison camp where they were dormed.
Sent home in disgrace,
Pen concealed her face
Then vanished in a thunderstorm.

Some wondered, but then they forgot her,
Supposing her 'way 'cross the water.
But in fact she was seized
By one she'd displeased.
A lady's servants, they had caught her.

Pen once ruined Mair's ancient name,
And tortured her family with shame.
This fate she'd return
And make Penkur's cheeks burn,
And she would have herself to blame.

The genes in Ruk-girls make them loose;
In their weakness they seek the male juice.
A bad rep, Mair declared,
Pen should not be spared --
A better revenge than the noose.

From erotic massage Pen grew weak;
It revved up her drives to their peak.
Pen tried to resist;
Mair would not desist;
Her hopes to stay chaste now seemed bleak.

Mair showed pretty Pen to male guests;
They kissed her and fondled her breasts.
Though at first aghast
Her reticence passed.
She entertained them quite undressed.
Pen, the Ruk girl archetype,
Had gotten almost overripe.
Caring not to enslave her,
Love lessons Mair gave her,
Her freewoman's honor to swipe.

Pen learned how to dazzle the jocks,
And arrange like a dream her fair locks.
Makeup on her face
Was much to Pen's taste,
And she practiced one of several walks.

To the awful Ruk urge succcumbed;
Each gallant her wanton heart she strummed.
Released dissolute,
Pen went in pursuit.
When labeled a slut she felt bummed.

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